Midge 2 year s ago
so many to choose from...#3 of course they are the villain. watch any film, especially Disney. it shows they work hard, hire people, buy things, are motivated etc. Now look at the "hero" a has-been, lazy, falls into power, given magic weapons, born to be prince/princess. tell me who writes this garbage?
Heloise 2 year s ago
#8, though I could choose many of these...inflation is the enemy. It is the most regressive tax, taking more from those with less. Money is just an idea, an agreement about the worth of things and services. When politicians spend money they do not have (even for a good reason), they make the cash in your pocket worth less, but the work you do is not worth any more.
Prescott 2 year s ago
#12 This especially, but really all this is typical snowflake "me first", "I deserve a handout" babble.
Lucas 2 year s ago
I remember back in the early 80s when I graduated from high school I wanted to make $20.00 per hour when minimum wage was $3.35 but I COULDN’T. I had to work a slew of low wage jobs until I could get to the point where I made a livable wage. AND THEN I went to the university WHILE I WAS WORKING. Stop complaining and work to improve yourself. Plenty of millennials are fine - if you aren’t making it it’s because you haven’t made yourself employable.
Happy 2 year s ago
#5 USA. The funny thing is that Americans like it this way.
Bernie 2 year s ago
If you went into a trade there would be no student loan and you would make way more than any arts degree that put you in the hole. Most degrees aren't worth sh#t unless it's engineering, medical or computer science related. Arts degrees are a ticket to no where.
Tim 2 year s ago
I'm 35 work full time 6 days a week and still live with my parents and I don't see it changing it's just impossible to afford. things like a family aren't even worth a consideration anymore.
Drusilla 2 year s ago

I bought a house at 34 (on the California coast), work 8 hour days with some overtime, am saving for retirement, and am on a path to support a family on 1 income next year. The likely difference: I didn't go to college, so I don't have unaffordable debt, and I chose a field that I knew would pay well (telco).

You reap the benefits and costs of your own choices.
Perry 2 year s ago

When you buy a home the world opens up to you. Your mortgage repayments become equity. Your house can out-earn you in some markets (mine earned 3x my salary in the past year, and I have a decent salary).

When you rent, you have no equity. Any capital gains are earned by the property owner. If I did not own my house, I couldn't afford to buy it now, and given its price is increasing at a rate 3x my salary in a year, there's no way I could afford it next year even if I saved every single cent I earn.

You got in early - good for you. But don't pretend the same situation applies to others.
Annie 2 year s ago
#36 So you took on $120k of debt to get an art degree. When you graduate and end up working at Starbucks, you'll be complaining about rich people, minimum wage, housing costs, etc. etc. In reality, paying $120k - that you don't have - to get an art degree is not a wise decision and the source of your problems in life.
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