And you'll find elaborate plastic food replicas outside many restaurants.
When you don't speak the language in a country you're visiting, menu photos are key. But Japan takes things one step further: many restaurants showcase fake food replicas that give diners a life-sized idea of what to expect. And boy do they look real.
In fact, making fake food has become a $90 million dollar industry in Japan, with an entire street — Kappabashi Street — dedicated to the art. (In fact, you can even enroll in a fake food making class like the one I took at Ganso Sample.)
Aren't you ... just a little ray of sunshine .
Hahaha!! Loser!!!
I've had it. It was delicious! My Japanese friends didn't tell me what it was until after I ate it.
#11 Beer in outdoor vending machines was a much appreciated surprise for me.
I am French, and you can get a horse tartare. (raw meat). It minced meat with capers, onions and various other seasonings.
And it tastes great.