"A woman over in Chicago decided to find out who her real parents were. She was getting close to 60 and realized that there may not be much time left to find her father. So through the magic of ancestry, she was matched to my grandfather.
She reached out to him and told him who her mother was. He didn’t recognize the name but dug up his little black book and lo and behold…there she was.
So now I’ve got a new aunt!"
If you read the fine print on geneology tests it days "For entertainment purposes only," and if you pay for two of them you'll get two different results.
Father had a hook up in college, the young lady being at a Catholic college, dropped out to bring the baby to term, which was given up for adoption (the 60's). My (half) nephew reached out to us to try to talk about his mother (my half-sister) that had suicided from a rough life in the foster system and then drugs.... The tests are not ruining lives, sh#tty people are ruining lives (father included (wear a raincoat for f@#ks sake)).