Christy 1 year ago
#11 Think Mexico instead of Turkey and you get the jest ;-)
Deidre 1 year ago
#11 Racism is literally everywhere in the world and everyone is racist against someone, and I mean EVERYONE EVERYWHERE. Only whites are ever accused of it, though, because of colonialism (I'll get to that.)
Racism is a trait that we evolved with. We developed a natural distrust for anyone different from us, and with good reason. Anyone who was trusting was wiped out.
Human beings always have, and continue to try to spread out and conquer anyone who has a different color, religion, economic philosophy, etc. European colonialism was nothing new. Alexander did the same thing, and we call him "great." Persians, Mongolians, Germans, Christians, Muslims and so on.
Slavery is a natural part of that. Slavery has also always existed, and still does. Rome, Greece, Egypt, Gaul, Maya, Inca, China, Japan, EVERYWHERE. Still, only white Americans are the devil because black people.
Nobody looks at history, nobody looks at themselves, and nobody looks at countries other that the US. All anyone is ever taught today is that white people are bad, and all other racism is acceptable or somehow justified. (??)
Deborah 1 year ago

We have not evolved with racism. That is a separate issue.

We have however evolved with xenophobia. That was indeed for survival.
But so what? Does that mean we just give in to an obsolete bit of hardwiring we haven't needed for ages and was, and still is, the cause for many of our problems?

We have evolved with violence as well which was great in a hostile prehistoric time. But most of us manage to no start fighting at every perceived slight or irritation.

We have also evolved with a love of sugar and fat with was essential when finding these things was like winning the jackpot in a time when food was scarce.
Most of us understand we can't just give in to those urges.
And we have many more of these. Some useful, others as useless and even dangerous like the appendix.

The the key to overcoming these obsolete pieces of hardwire is to learn, understand, and develop self control.

A large part of being a racist is seeing yourself as a victim. And looking for others to blame. Recognize something there? "All everyone is taught today is that white people are bad"?

Maybe you should look at yourself. Racism is different than xenophobia. Racism is believing your race is better or other races are somehow worse than ALWAYS on the basis of nonsensical stereotypes and flimsy "scientific facts" with no basis in reality.

No one is even saying white people are bad. But this IS a time of change yes.

The only thing that's changing though is that we recognize not only white men should be in positions of power, or be the lead in movies. Pretty reasonable things like that.
All that is changing is that people start saying something at injustices that were normal not even a decade ago.
It seems you try to justify your outdated hardwired hate because things are different and white men like you are not the only ones in power.

Equality doesn't mean you lose something. At least nothing not worth losing.
Sula 1 year ago

Yours is an incredibly racist comment. Check your own biases first, dear.
Deborah 1 year ago

Give me one logical argument why my comment is racist, sweetheart.
Johnny 1 year ago
Sula thinks it's racist because your commit doesn't go with their line of thinking and so many today think if you don't agree with me you're racist.

"Sounds braggy, but I work for the National Park Service and it’s the best job I’ve ever had in my career. I don’t think I ever want to leave. Plus, paid trips to all the parks and getting to see things “off the beaten path” that normal visitors just can’t get to. I love it and I love our parks"


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