"Giving ANY excuse while you ask someone for a small favor.
There was a test conducted to see if people could cut in line.
There were 4 groups. People who just cut in line, people who asked to cut in line, people who asked and gave a valid excuse “I am in a hurry”, and people who asked and gave a bogus nonsensical excuse “Can I cut in line because I need to cut in line”
The no talk group suffered the worst results, the ones who at least asked had better results, those who gave and excuse BOGUS OR NOT, had nearly identical results.
The conclusion is people don’t listen to your excuse for why you need to do something, just the fact you gave an excuse at all gives you bonus points."
You are very smart to understand that!
Btw, could I borrow a pen?
And I might have a ... small request later for you.
I like the way you responded to that.