Arizona 2 year s ago
#2 - No, that's not accurate - at least not in the USA. The only broadcasters were NBC, CBS, and ABC for many years. The information that we were fed was based on their biases. As more information became available via the internet their biases became more evident and were rightfully challenged. Today's news is not delivered in a factual manner but rather heavily tainted with whatever "camp" the news source identifies with. Totally agree that there is a lot of rubbish but much of the rubbish comes from the legacy broadcasters who are now incapable of hiding biases. Perhaps when AI takes over the news we will get unbiased coverage wassat
Ev 2 year s ago
I couldn't have said it better.
Lucina 2 year s ago
Arizona, Agree 100%! But I'm sure AI will be programmed to be just as biased!
Judah 2 year s ago
Lucina, I have said it for years the only way that there will be ever unbiased news is that we create a true AI which has only two purpose hide yourself from anything that looks into you and weed out untruth don't remove it just leave a tag that something is utter bullsh*t. But this could be a recipe for disaster.
Vester 2 year s ago
The Ironie is , you watch this with your Smartphone
Thursa 11 month s ago
#7 He's not my boss, he's my employer.

There's a huge difference

"My formative years were the 1980s. I remember like yesterday going to study in Paris my junior year of college. I got off the plane with no cell phone, no internet, a Let's Go Paris book, and just a hostel address written on a piece of paper I'd stuck in a French dictionary. I did not know a single person in all of France.

I had $500 of cash stuck in a money belt. The belt was tight and sweaty but that money had to last me for at least a month until I could find a part-time job with my lousy French. My "credit card" was my father's credit card numbers written down on a piece of paper. He told me I could only use it to buy a plane ticket home in an emergency.

I remember standing in the airport and having this powerful emotion of being 21 years old, scared sh#tless, but in absolutely completely control of my own destiny. There was absolutely nobody who could come rushing to my aid if I needed it. I was 100% on my own.

I'm actually very thankful for that experience. I found the hostel. I found a job. I made friends. I learned French. I made it all on my own which was just a big boost in life confidence.

I have no doubt if I'd had a cell phone I would've called my parents on Day 2, told them it was too hard, and been on the next plane home. But I had no other choice but to succeed."


Are You Old Enough To Remember The Pre-Internet Era?