Arizona 2 year s ago
#2 - No, that's not accurate - at least not in the USA. The only broadcasters were NBC, CBS, and ABC for many years. The information that we were fed was based on their biases. As more information became available via the internet their biases became more evident and were rightfully challenged. Today's news is not delivered in a factual manner but rather heavily tainted with whatever "camp" the news source identifies with. Totally agree that there is a lot of rubbish but much of the rubbish comes from the legacy broadcasters who are now incapable of hiding biases. Perhaps when AI takes over the news we will get unbiased coverage wassat
Ev 2 year s ago
I couldn't have said it better.
Lucina 2 year s ago
Arizona, Agree 100%! But I'm sure AI will be programmed to be just as biased!
Judah 2 year s ago
Lucina, I have said it for years the only way that there will be ever unbiased news is that we create a true AI which has only two purpose hide yourself from anything that looks into you and weed out untruth don't remove it just leave a tag that something is utter bullsh*t. But this could be a recipe for disaster.
Vester 2 year s ago
The Ironie is , you watch this with your Smartphone
Thursa 11 month s ago
#7 He's not my boss, he's my employer.

There's a huge difference

"Privacy. When you left work or school it was over for the day. There were no further interactions unless they were close friends. Hanging out. Teens and young adults spent a lot of time away from home with friends, at malls, movie theaters, parks, arcades, etc. Dating. You met someone at school, work, at a party, at a bar, or through friend. Money. Cash was king, debit cards didn’t exist, and many businesses didn’t accept credit cards (fast food, for example.) Planners and Address books. Write it down! Appointments, birthdays, addresses, phone numbers, reminders, etc. Photo Albums. Taking the time to buy film for a party or special occasion or just because and having 24 photos you could take (with no way to see the final photo until you took it to be developed.) Road maps. Going anywhere you haven’t been before? Better stop at a gas station and buy a map. Shopping. Go to the store and see what they have. Do the local stores not have what you need? Try looking in a catalog, maybe you can mail order it. Music. On the radio and on MTV. Buy records, cassette, or CDs. Make mix tapes to create your own playlists. If you don’t record it off the radio or buy it there is no way of finding it again. There was so much “not knowing” which made the world seem so much bigger and exotic. Now everything feels noisy and petty."


Are You Old Enough To Remember The Pre-Internet Era?