Jedidiah 1 year ago
When arriving ask how are you and see where u can you be helpful.
Arnie 1 year ago
Older I get the more I realize that heaven is a construct made by humans to cope with their end of life fears.
Jerry 1 year ago
Arnie, No, that’s not it - at least not for the vast majority of us - maybe a death row inmate LOL. When I started to believe in God and heaven I was partying hard - smoking dope, drinking alcohol, chasing women endlessly, doing whatever I wanted. I didn’t care about much of anything other than having a good time. I never thought about dying. But, that all changed for me when God reached in to my life (not through tragedy or anything like that). Point is, it’s not a man made construct so you can’t explain it away in that way.
Judah 1 year ago
Good for you. I was the other way around, for me believing in God was the thing that caused mental problems. I just hope you understand that my type exists too. I have studied the Bible and the more I read, the more clear it became that there is nothing divine in the background bible, and the more I realized that I don't have a good reason to believe all that.
Obed 1 year ago
When you say “if it exists”… you aren’t going
Jerry 1 year ago
Whatever plan you may envision will be immediately irrelevant. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.
Rolf 1 year ago
You not going anywhere. It's all a fairy tale for the easily persuaded. Every myth, every religion, every concept of some sort of existence after death is completely made up by people in order to cope with mortality and give some sort of meaning to it all. Existence just is. Why should it have to mean anything?
No matter what fairy tale you believe, it's only because you were indoctrinated into your belief system as a small child. You had no choice then, but you do now. Accept reality instead of believing in silly nonsense that'll get you nowhere. They just want your money, anyway.
Dying is just like a lightbulb burning out. It's done. It's forever gone. The husk gets thrown away...
Jerry 1 year ago
Rolf, Ay Yi Yi… Your fairy tale sounds utterly depressing. Everybody knows deep down that there is a Creator/God. That’s why every culture, no matter how isolated, believes in a God but not every culture knows the truth of who God is. You are missing the entire point of life. The good thing is you can seek out God until the time of your death - just remember, once you die then your eternal, everlasting destiny can’t be changed.
Judah 1 year ago
Jerry,if the Christian Bible is true I would much rather go to hell then heaven, where you will be a mindless drone until the end of times praising God and doing nothing else. Every culture made up God or gods because God is the best catch all for mentally lazy ppl, and there are a lot of those anywhere in the world.
Chet 1 year ago
1. Thanks for having me.
2. Is there a map?
Sigfired 1 year ago
Still at a middle age level of comprehension, aren't we? Dante's Divine Comedy has ruined humanity for centuries, huh?
Judah 1 year ago
You won't have any choice, you will not be in heaven to enjoy yourself (according to the Christian Bible), you will be there to praise the Lord for eternity, nothing else.

"Find my husband, give him a huge hug and never let go again. Live our forever together. I f@#king love him and miss him so much."


What Would You Do First If You Were Sent To Heaven?