How You Can Best Use Love Horoscopes

Posted in RANDOM       14 Jul 2022       1022       GALLERY VIEW

If you’ve been doing any research into astrology or horoscope reading, you’ll no doubt discover that there are a lot of non-believers. People who will always vehemently protest the practice and dismiss it as nothing more than black magic or trickery. It’s safe to say that the opinions and punishment for practicing or believing in such are much less strident than in the past.

How You Can Best Use Love Horoscopes


Heck, if you go back and look there was a time when some practitioners of such practices were put to death. Luckily, this is no longer the case, as society has evolved. When you think about it today, it almost seems crazy to think that there aren’t answers out there in the universe.


What Exactly Are Horoscopes?


When you get right down to the core of it, a horoscope is a forecast of a person’s future. This could typically include anything from the delineation of their characters to the development of their romantic entanglements. That being said, these forecasts or predictions are not based on whims. They are not conjured up in a crystal ball. They are predicated on the position of the stars, planets, and sun.


Sounds kind of like a weather forecast, right? When you think about things, it honestly seems impossible that the stars, sun, and moon wouldn’t have some kind of sway over people. Take the sun for example. It is the perfect example.


When the earth is at specific axis points, it becomes dark out. When the sun is further away or blocked, the weather gets cooler. If the sun has this much of an effect on the entire earth, now could the stars and moon not have effects on people?


In a nutshell, that’s what a horoscope is. It is a forecast based on the positioning of universal elements. Of course, just knowing what a horoscope is or even being able to read one isn’t going to help you. To take advantage of what horoscopes can offer, you must know how to use them.


Understanding Moon Cycles


A full moon cycle is 28 days. Understanding this cycle as well as how and when to apply certain strategies will be key to your success. Whether you are trying to utilize ดูดวงความรัก or advance your career, you’ll need to understand the moon’s cycle.


The New Moon – The new moon could be described as the meeting of the sun and moon. It just so happens that the new moon coincides with the beginning of each month and cycle. Given that this is the case, the new moon is the opportune time for new things. Fresh starts, new beginnings, and all that. This is when you’ll want to set your intentions and fully invest them into the Universe. Some practitioners even like to align new moons with corresponding seasons to enhance the success and likelihood of their attempts.


The Waxing Crescent Moon – The waxing moon would be best described as an object gaining momentum. The moon, at this point, is starting to steadily grow strength. At this very point, it will be only three signs away from the sun, so it will be gaining a lot of power. A power that will eventually be wiped out by the sun, but this momentum is there for the taking if you know how to utilize it. This will be the opportune time when you want to write or undertake creative projects. The phase shares commonalities with Gemini, which represents creativity and writing.


The First Quarter Moon – This is when the moon is at an exact 90-degree angle to the earth. You’ll know when the moon is in the phase because it will appear half-lit. This is the time to put forth all your efforts. Whether it be a romantic undertaking or a new career path, this is the most opportune time for likely success.


Waxing Gibbous Moon – Right before the moon enters the full stage, it goes through the waxing gibbous stage. You’ll know when it is in this stage, as the moon will appear nearly full. You’ll likely feel more anxious during these times and that is only natural. This stage of the moon coincides with the sign of Virgo. Virgos are oftentimes considered nitpicky, but this is the opportune time to review your results thus far. Find out what’s honestly working for you and what’s not.


Full Moon – Two short weeks after the new moon, you’ll be in the full moon phase. This is when the sun and moon are suited opposite of each other in the sky. The moon will obviously be fully lit, with an auspicious feel about it. This is where you’ll want to make your most important decisions or undertakings. Got a house to put on the market? Putting it on the market at this time will almost guarantee a quick sale.




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