“We figured out how to do a simultaneous triple thumb war.”
“USB compatible rock”
“Huge butterfly found in Stockholm, Sweden”
“Found this handprint on a tree.”
“This statue kind of looks like Mark Zuckerberg.”
“These ‘virtually indestructible’ totes collapsing under their own weight.”
“Heard something dripping in the kitchen and found my watermelon had deflated.”
“I’m staying in a Scottish village called Dull. It’s paired with Boring, Oregon.”
“My hotel room had a Ronald Mcdonald statue in it (Hyatt Regency Chicago).”
“Starch lines above the water make up the exact 2D outline of the potatoes below.”
“Generations of bunnies have worn a perfect groove in my neighbor’s fence.”
“In 2015 Mike Tyson was on the same commercial flight as me.”
“Wingsuit I found at a thrift shop.”
“Walmart shipped a 90lb kettlebell with no packaging at all to my home.”
“The view in my Airbnb looks like a painting.”
“My dog left a perfect snoot print on my dress.”
“The way these water droplets collected on the edge of my strawberry plant.”
“I cut open a 10 year old rubber band ball and found that it had fused together.”
“My friends chicken sometimes lays green eggs.”
“My water bottle is a flat rectangle.”
“Me at the same ice cream shop in Poland ten years apart.”
1999 penny thats been worn down.
It's pure copper, unlike those copper coated zinc slugs you get nowadays. There are online calculator to figure prices : as I post this 1 pre-1982 penny has 2.3 cents of copper in it.
because those are sunglasses so it's pretty likely they also have a regular pair of glasses.
It's a joke, brainiac. You know... sarcasm? Humor?
I'm amazed any light at all gets through those lenses.
#37 it didn't "fuse" it just dried out, and it doesn't take 10 years for it to happen
#40 so where's the green egg? I see a light brown one, and an off-white one
#39 not #37
it's actually light blue, so both the poster and you fail at recognizing colour...
no, the dress is gold
#24 it's a a Cecropia MOTH
That's an Atlas moth, actually. Cecropia moths are grey, and don't have the bent forewing tip.
Pedants and tap dancers are not welcome here.
the f@#k are you on about?
Do either of them have any idea what it means?
'That passed away, and so may this', Deor's lament, cited by Tolkien in elvish (he was a language nerd, developed several languages on his own including alphabets). And yes, they propably knew what it meant when they decided to put it on their forearms ^^