The Ultimate Paper-Writing Guide for College Students in 7 steps

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The Ultimate Paper-Writing Guide for College Students in 7 steps


If you’re still in college, then you know one thing very well already – papers are the bane of your existence and you can’t always contact a paper writing service. They take up so much of your time, and they demand that you spend hours researching and writing without fail. While it’s true that there’s no real way around writing papers, there are several steps you can take to make the process easier and more manageable. Follow this paper-writing guide for college students in 7 steps, and hopefully your experience won’t be as tough as it was before; better than me who used to ask professionals to write my paper for me!


Step 1: Identify your topic

It’s a good idea to choose a subject you feel passionate about for your master papers. Although you may need to convince your professor that it’s an interesting topic, researching something you already love will make writing your paper more enjoyable and productive. If you still can’t decide on a topic, try Googling something like topics for psychology papers or anthropology research topics. That should get your brain juices flowing and help narrow down your list of possible subjects.


Step 2: Do a little research

Before sitting down to write, do a quick Internet search on your topic and read an academic paper or two (more if you’re writing an essay). Doing some light reading helps ensure that your argument is balanced. You can even cite one or both of these sources in your paper. Take a few minutes to map out your paper using either pen and paper or Microsoft Word. This will help keep you focused as you begin writing. Or better still, check out The 8 Best Essay Writing Service Companies For College Students.


Step 3: Write an outline

Creating an outline of your paper will not only help you organize your thoughts, but it will also make writing a draft easier. Your outline should include an introduction and conclusion as well as a detailed list of your points. You can even try to format your outline like a proper essay to get you used to writing in that style. Once you feel confident with it, start drafting! Remember how we said having an outline would make writing your first draft much easier? That’s because it does.


Step 4: Select the right format for your assignment

There are various types of assignments that students face while studying at college. It is very important to identify what type of assignment you are given before you sit down to write it. This will help you know where and how to start your writing. When identifying what kind of an assignment, consider whether it needs any special formatting like MLA or APA, etc. If so, then ensure that your word processing application has these formats enabled beforehand. Here are some different kinds of assignments


Step 5: Use credible sources only

Don’t copy information off Wikipedia or another source; use only credible sources, i.e. high quality online journals and magazines. If you don’t know how to tell if a source is credible, consult your instructor or someone at your school who does have expertise in academic research. You can also make use of free plagiarism checker tools like Grammarly, PlagTracker and Copyscape to ensure that your paper contains no traces of previously published work.


Step 6: Double check your references

After you’ve written your draft, check over it to make sure all of your references are included. You want to provide enough evidence so that readers can be convinced by what you’re saying, but not so much as to overwhelm them with excessive citations or distract them with irrelevant sources. This is especially important if you’re writing a research paper—in which case, make sure to double check all of your sources and ensure they are cited correctly. If you need help formatting your citations and bibliography, take a look at our guide on how to format APA Citations . And once again, if you need help with any part of creating an essay or research paper , we’ll be here!


Step 7 : Submit your paper on time

You should submit your paper at least one week before it is due. This will give you plenty of time to proofread, edit and request feedback from teachers or peers. Remember that even a very well written paper may be judged negatively if submitted late (unless specified otherwise). So there's no point working hard on perfecting an assignment if you don't hand it in on time.


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