"I found a park bench in memory of someone that isn't dead yet"
"The pumpkin pie I bought contains "finger"."
"My garlic turned blue in the oven"
"A line of campus bots following me at my college"
"Spotted an Albino ladybug with a heart shaped spot on my shopping cart"
"A thunderstorm can sometimes birth a rarely seen phenomenon in Earth's atmosphere: red space lightning called sprites that look like jellyfish."
"Here's another look at some red sprites above a thunderstorm in Italy"
"TV scene changed while photo was being taken"
“My parents gave me a gift for college today, which was all the money that my mom found in my pockets when doing my laundry.”
“I found this on the curb, ’I don’t like coffee, please enjoy.’”
“Every year I try to disguise my sister’s Christmas present. This year I think I went a little too far.”
“My big Reese’s Cup had 7 wrappers on it.”
“Today a cockroach climbed onto my toothbrush.”
“My boyfriend’s grocery receipt”
“I looked over and saw my new puppy sitting like this, just watching me.”
“Thank you, delivery.”
“My dog dug up a section of the lawn so I fixed it and then roped it off. Went outside and found her like this.”
“My wife sent this after picking up our dog after surgery today. Says he’s still under the influence.”
“I saw this woman getting a better view of the eclipse.”
“My dog saw a squirrel mid-snap, so now I just look like a tired toddler at the end of the day at Six Flags.”
“This sign at the shower in a hotel in Prague”
“I saw this guy in class today, and yes, that is cheese.”
“You are not going to believe what happened while you were gone.”
#11 what is wrong with you, just eat a REAL chicken wing FFS! You have no idea pretending you are eating meat, so just stop with the charade already.
Why do you care what someone else eats? What is wrong with YOU?
Obsessed much? Stop paying attention to what everyone else is "supposed to do" according to you and live your life according to what you think is best. And understand not everyone wants the same as you and understand that's ok.
You'll be a lot happier.
FYI Steven Yuen is an actor. best known for being Glenn on Walking Dead
Right. It's all good - wood is cellulose, and that's organic. Be one wih the beaver.
#21 Definitely in the top 5 of BFD. Who the hell posts sh#t like this? And why is it posted here? SMH!
charge for bag to carry your goods, if you aren't allowed to use your own, I would think
For the single use plastic shopping bag.