"During the Greece’s fight for independence in 1826-27, a Turkish garrison in Acropolis was besieged by Greek fighters. When the Turks ran low on bullets, they began to cut the marble columns to use the lead within as bullets. The Greeks sent them ammunition saying: “Here are bullets, don’t touch the columns.”"
"‘Yak Shaving’ is the term for getting sidetracked by multiple other tasks before finally being able to complete what you originally started out to do."
"The opposite of sparkle is ‘darkle.’"
"The Federal Trade Commission states that your eye care provider must give you a copy of your contact lens and eyeglass prescriptions, whether or not you ask for them. "
"During the production of Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas came into work one day with a cough, and decided that it would be amusing to record it and use it on the new Episode III villain, General Grievous."
"Lamborghini provided two Gallardos to the Italian state police, who now uses them for delivering organ transplants to patients."
"It is optimal for your lithium ion smartphone battery to “top it off” and keep its charge between 40-80%, rather than let it drain to 0% and charge it all the way up. "
"Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev was in space when the Soviet Union was dissolved. He went up a Soviet citizen and returned a Russian citizen. "
"The towns from “Ghost Whisperer”, “Gremlins”, “Bruce Almighty”, “Back To The Future”, “Falling Skies”, and the first episode of “The Twilight Zone” (and many more) are all the same set, which is known as “Courthouse Square.”"
"The word “honeymoon” originated from the tradition of giving newly weds a month’s supply of mead on their wedding night"
"If a child loses their fingertip, it may sometimes grow back (nail, bone and all), though without a fingerprint."
"The secret blend of 11 herbs and spices that made KFC famous is sold by Marion-Kay Spices under the name “99-X”."
"In 2013, a researcher at University of Washington managed the first human to human brain interface through the Internet by wearing a cap and playing a video game. When he wanted to shoot a missile, he thought “fire” and another researcher’s finger across the campus moved involuntarily and pressed the fire button."
Also, what retard had "moron" censored??
nope, humans are. and once all the insects are dead we will soon follow.