"Shoutout To The Time I Wanted To Take A Beautiful Photo Of The Landscape And My Dog Just Went"
"Guess Who Tripped Me"
"That One Time We Bought Our Dog An Expensive Orthopedic Bed With A Headrest And This Is How He Used It"
"I Didn’t Get The Job I Wanted So My Dog Ate My Rejection Letter"
"Our Whippie Puppy Has Different Style For Every Mood"
"The Assassination Of Julius Caesar By Brutus- 44 Bce"
"Dragged His Bed In Here To Put On His Best Starving Puppy Act While I Cook (The Tile Is Too Cold For His Royal Hiney"
"The Look My Best Friend’s Dog Gives Him When He Realises He’s At The Vets And Not At The Park"
"He Stole A Stale Baguette I Was Saving To Make Breadcrumbs And He's Been Carrying It Around For Three Days"
"We Got Him A Stand So He Wouldn’t Have To Bend Down So Much While Eating. Yeah, About That…"
They are just dogs being dogs.
The problem is that people call them "fur babies" or "adopted" and expect these animals to behave as human children.
If you want to own an animal companion that behaves like an animal thren go ahead and get a dog.
If you want a human child, make one or adopt one.
They are not the same and should no be treated so.