"Coco Biting On A Toy Lightsaber, Looks Like He's Shooting His Laser Beam"
"These Opals Look Like Mini-Hatching Dragon Eggs"
"This Grape That Looks Like A Pumpkin"
"Tiny Natural Geode Shaped Like Foot Prints"
"Light Reflected Onto This Wall Looks Like Chromosomes During Meiosis"
"My One Dog Looks Like My Other Dog's Shadow"
"The Sunset Looks Like A Forest Fire"
"This Man Stopped By My Friends' Vintage Clothing Store, And Their Ring Light Looks Like A Halo Above His Head"
"I Got A Chicken Tender Shaped Like Africa"
"Camera Flash Made My Cat’s Eyes Look Like Flames"
"The Tree Outside My Kitchen Has An Almost Perfectly Pi Symbol Shaped Branch"
"After Five Years Of Use, My Pizza Stone Looks Like The Moon"
"This Frozen Puddle Looks Like A Topographic Map"
"The Way The Paint Dried In This Old Bottle Looks Like A Tidal Wave"
"My Blue Moon Beer Has An Orange, But It Looks Like There Is A Fried Egg On Top"
"The Dust A Flag Left On My Wall, Makes It Look Like The Wall Is Fabric"
The title you're looking for is "the great wave off Kanagawa".