Rosalinda 1 year ago
#19 it’s actually pretty good, at least much better than the one before. I just don’t like the end, but the first 3/4 are very entertaining
Becca 1 year ago
Rosalinda, Not Really There are plenty of Things you can choose as artifact like the sword of Mars with the Effect that you will ein every battle BUT it will cost you HARD in the end (you can ask attila or ghengis kahn about that)
But NO it MUST be a useless time Machine that only work ONCE and ONE end is attached to a boring time you cant do anything with.
Nazis as the Evil is a Good Move THATS good
Muriel 1 year ago

Becca 1 year ago
Muriel, the sword of Mars.
Mars the Roman of war
Attila marched against east Rom in his First war against Romans.
Killed nearly 10 legions (allegedly) in his path and the emperor of the east Part of rom gave him this sword IF he spare Konstantinopel and east rome.
For everyone who use this sword There is a personally prediction on it.
For atilla (the king of the huns) it Read "this sword will end Two Empires" that was West rome and attila own Empire NOT, as attila thought, east and west Rome.
For genghis kahn it Read " the owner of this sword will form the biggest empire of all
Wich genghis kahn die BUT dies bevore he Cold consolidate it and so it brake apart imediatly After he Died

And now tell me would that be a better artifact for Indiana Jones or Not
Eudora 1 year ago
#9 Why tf would you read the book, much less watch that retarded movie?
Dina 1 year ago
My two siblings and I love all genres of horror movies. Slasher, monster, alien, paranormal, dystopian, 'torture porn,' all of them. Well, all except 'found footage.' Those are almost always completely terrible. The Paranormal Activity franchise is so bad that we have a tradition of getting together and watching them as comedies. We can't believe they keep making them.
Virdie 1 year ago

Then you are watching them ironically. I dislike them because they are boring, I've fallen asleep to thousands of them when my husband use to work at a video store.
Chloe 1 year ago
#7 I totally regret seeing this. It was so awful, it made me angry. It did ruin the franchise, just like that crystal skull abhorration did, which is why I'll never even bother with #19.
Eustacia 1 year ago
#17 Tuck is a seriously effed up movie that no one should ever watch.
Zedediah 1 year ago
Eustacia, It was a silly movie. The only thing I remember about it was the penis bone stuff. Speaking of that, did you know that the "Addam's Rib" part of the Bible is considered a mistranslation by some scholars and that it isn't a Rib, but the Human Penis bone that is used to make Eve.
Muriel 1 year ago
#3 Once I heard about it, there was no way I could resist watching this. Glad I did.

#12 I concur.

#16 I won’t watch a movie if dystopian is in the description.

“Most dystopia movies.

I am triggered after years of difficult life.”


Cinematic Avoidance: Movies People Will Never Watch