"Kit-Kats are made in a near zero waste facility. All of the imperfect Kit-Kats get ground up and made into the crispy filling. So Kit-Kats are made of Kit-Kats, which were also made of Kit-Kats, which were also made of Kit-Kats, which were also made of Kit-Kats, which were also made of Kit-Kats, which were also made of Kit-Kats…"
"The longest word in the English language that doesn’t repeat a letter is Uncopyrightable."
"Bees get drunk by drinking juice from fermenting fruit and their sister bees don’t let them into the hive until they sleep it off and sober up because alcohol could ruin an entire batch of honey. They also get into fights with other drunk bees."
"Concrete is the second-most used substance on earth after water."
"Renee Descartes (I think therefore I am) believed that the other great apes like gorillas and chimps were equally capable as humans of human speech.
He believed the apes were intentionally hiding this fact from us humans to dupe us into believing they were less intelligent than they truly are. He believed their motivation for this was to avoid having humans put them to work."
"Bones turn to ash at 1500 degrees."
"Whale’s milk is the same consistency as toothpaste."
"Polar bear hair is not white. It’s completely clear. The white we see is just luminescence."
"Elephants are the only mammal with four knees."
"Gary Numan is thirteen days older than Gary Oldman."
"Before Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded Microsoft, the two sold a single purpose computer (built by Paul and programmed by Bill) that measured road use by counting the cars that passed a spot."
"The state fish of Hawaii is the Humuhumunukunukuapua’a."
"I know why tumbleweeds tumble. They are made to break at a certain spot when they die, so the wind can blow them away and spread their seeds."
"I always answer this the same. As a career bartender I know that St Patrick’s Day and Cinco De Mayo always fall on the same day of the week. So if St Paddy’s is a Monday Cinco De Mayo will be a Monday. They follow each other every year."
yep. and in the quote, the holidays don't "follow each other" one follows the other
technically, new years day comes after Christmas, and Christmas comes after new years day.