"A black apple…"
"And a black squirrel."
"Dead peoples’ eyes don’t stay closed even after you’ve closed them so morticians use these to keep them closed."
"An old math textbook has the original Pledge of Allegiance in it, without “under God”. President Eisenhower signed a law in 1954 adding the phrase to the pledge."
"A newborn parrot "
"What a newborn alpaca looks like."
"And what hedgehogs look like when they’re born. They start to grow their spikes in the first few hours after they’re born."
"What a clump of DNA looks like."
"The inside of a bowling ball."
"The OG Ronald McDonald."
"The very first version of Kermit the Frog, which creator Jim Henson made out of one of his mom’s coats."
"An actual silver fox."
"Atomic energy kits for kids from 1951."
"What an escalator looks like without its stairs."
"A nuclear bomb"
Maybe the pictures were embossed? (.)(.)
I know it’s cliche, but Playboy really did have great articles.