"If you go by Greco-Roman Mythology within the Disney universe, Ariel and Heracles are relatives.
Heracles dad is Zeus, who has a brother, Poseidon. Now, Poseidon has children of his own, including a merman named Triton.
Keep in mind, with this logic, this would make Zeus Ariel’s Great Uncle, thus making her and Heracles cousins on a technicality."
The "eagles" you hear in movies is indeed the red tailed hawk.
True! We used to have to chase them out of the dumpsters in Washington state....
A glorified seagull really...
#16 less birbs? pry all that climate change windmills saving the planet
#16 'Fewer' "birbs." FEWER! (((sigh))) Can't enyboddy spel good and use propar grammor enymor?
That is okay, I am bilingual; I understand both standard and metric. I prefer to use metric for small measurements (millimeters) and standard for larger measurements (yards and miles).
I think it is funny when someone complains about someone else using a different form of measurement than they do.
And we are actually just a brain inhabiting a flesh and bone iron man suit...
In MOVIES they use a sound effect that is not a bald eagle call.