
Building Inspections Unveiled: From Nightmares To Miracles (51 PICS)

Posted in PICTURES       19 Jan 2024       3423       3 GALLERY VIEW
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"This hillside home is experiencing slope creep. The walls have separated and are now gradually sliding down the hill."


"This DIY job involves the use of bolts and nuts as makeshift jacks between the girders and posts and piers in an attempt to level out the home. This is not a recommended or safe solution."


"A close up of the house from the previous video. This substantial crack snakes through this house, tearing it apart and no longer being a safe place to reside."


"Oceanfront homes face the constant challenges of exposure to saltwater and the elements, which can significantly impact their structural integrity over time."


Izismile Videos

"Major efflorescence has taken over this parking garage. This is a visible sign of water damage and potential underlying issues."


"Standing in front of this wall when it gives way is not a place you'd want to be."


"It’s safe to say that brick foundations are just not the way to go."


"This house became severely undermined as the soil eroded over time. Fortunately, the house is supported by caissons, preventing it from sliding down the hill. Although the caissons provided stability, addressing the issues at hand is crucial to ensure the long-term integrity of the property."



"This home’s retaining wall completely gave way and fell down the hillside. When not built to code, retaining walls can collapse and cause a lot of damage to not only the homeowner’s property, but to adjacent properties. We are curious to know where the wall would’ve ended up if the tree didn’t hold the very end of it."


"An unstable slope will show indications of movement by the presence of geotropism, which refers to the growth of plants against gravity. The way the trees bend towards the bottom of the slope lets us know the hillside is unstable and is constantly moving."


"It’s been a while since we audibly gasped during an assessment."



"Take a look at this massive hillside deck that's completely disconnected in various areas.

The lack of support in the structural components of the deck is quite worrying and it raises questions about the initial construction, maintenance, and overall safety of the structure.

This easily secures a spot on our list of the worst things seen during our assessments."


"This is an alarming case of spall damage. When it comes to extensive damage to the structural support of a building, it is necessary to act quickly. The South Champlain Tower that collapsed in Miami reportedly had extensive spall damage in their basement-level parking garage.

The longer the damage is left untreated, the greater the risk of a catastrophic failure."


"The home nearby is having severe settlement issues. The issue continues just outside the home as this sidewalk has completely shifted. This kind of severe shifting raises concerns about the surrounding area."


"This 7-inch crack is showing severe signs of differential settlement, meaning portions of the foundation are sinking at a greater rate.

Foot added for reference."



"This wall was a non-conforming retaining wall as it was not permitted. Could have been one of the reasons why it didn’t do so well during the storm."


"These posts were built with inadequate footings which led to rotation and imminent failure. One has already collapsed, highlighting the structural issues associated with their design."


"This retaining wall is gradually being pushed out of position by the growing roots of the tree behind it, leading to visible signs of failure."


"Differential settlement arises when one part of the foundation settles more rapidly or to a greater extent than another. This uneven settling can result in a noticeable tilt or imbalance in the structure."



"The foundation for this home is made up of river rock, a type of foundation that is not recommended, especially in seismic-prone areas. The lack of reinforcement and engineering in such foundations poses a significant risk to the home."


"Another area of separation due to the slope creep."


"Rust is a common issue we see with oceanfront homes, as seen clearly in this instance."


"Wood rot has taken a toll on this balcony, compromising its structural integrity. Immediate attention is needed to prevent further deterioration and remedy a potential safety hazard."



"Another oceanfront home encountering issues. It’s important to note that there are many challenges that you can come across when choosing to live on the ocean."



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Credits:  www.boredpanda.com

Ance 1 year ago
oh noooes.. cliff and beachfront properties are eroding? Anyway.
Melchizedek 1 year ago
Yeah, you couldn't give me a beachfront house. A house on a rock cliff on the ocean side sure but on a sandy beach no thanks. I've watched a neighborhood I vacationed in as a kid get steadily washed away in the last 10 years (2 streets gone and counting) the house we stayed at is now beachfront...
Jorge 1 year ago
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