This is what a stairwell that doesn't loop around and only goes in one direction looks like:
This right here is a baby platypus, known as a "puggle":
The most points you can get for a word in Scrabble, specifically for the word "oxyphenbutazone," is 1,778:
This is how condoms were tested in the 1930s:
You can tell the difference between cheap pasta and expensive pasta by looking at them:
Hammerhead sharks look absolutely terrifying in X-ray form:
This is what the inside of a wind turbine blade looks like:
This is what a license plate from Antarctica looks like:
This is what a turtle getting an X-ray looks like:
This is the view from the toilet on the 155th floor of the United Arab Emirates' Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world:
Hail can be really, really, really big:
Entire houses can be moved on the back of a truck:
This is what a smoker's window looks like compared with a nonsmoker's window:
This is what the inside of a walnut tree looks like:
The picture, from 1930, shows what the Empire State Building looked like while it was under construction:
This 65-foot-tall behemoth is the world's largest sandcastle, built in Denmark in 2021:
This is how big Plymouth Rock is in real life:
This is one of the world's largest offshore gas platforms, the Troll A platform, located in Norway:
This is what a completely empty CVS store looks like:
See that little hole there? This is what Mount Vesuvius looks like from space:
This is what a counterfeit $50 bill (on top) looks like compared with a real one:
These are the real-life outfits doctors would wear to treat plague patients in the 1600s:
This is what a pineapple that has flowered looks like:
And finally, every single letter in the alphabet appears in at least one US state...except for the letter "Q":
Looks like use by guests is not intended, this is for staff.
Changing the teeth seems to be the biggest change.
Looks Aboriginal.