"I decided I wanted to try letting my partner slap me in the face during sex and instead of it turning me on, I promptly cried. I was so embarrassed. Turned out the feeling felt more akin to abuse than sexy even though they’d asked me a few times prior if I was sure I wanted to try it. Luckily, I have an amazing partner who immediately comforted me when I burst into tears and we both ended up getting a good laugh out of it."
#11 Yes, it does, especially when theirs is three times a year, maybe... so there is a bit of "it's good for US, to do it more often" and the excitement when they agree to a time in the future (it's never in the moment for them, they have to build up to it).
#16 Yeah, cheating never makes a good situation, but the older people get the more likely it becomes, so there isn't a uptick in infidelity, you are just reaching the age where your age group is doing it.