"I thought I wanted goats. Until I got goats. I still have them but don’t really want them."
"To be older."
"A boat"
"I decided I wanted to try letting my partner slap me in the face during sex and instead of it turning me on, I promptly cried. I was so embarrassed. Turned out the feeling felt more akin to abuse than sexy even though they’d asked me a few times prior if I was sure I wanted to try it. Luckily, I have an amazing partner who immediately comforted me when I burst into tears and we both ended up getting a good laugh out of it."
"To get back with an ex"
"A (really) big house. There is so much maintenance, expenses, just keeping track of all your stuff… higher utility bills, more taxes, probably an HOA, just cleaning it is an impossible task without hiring professionals."
"As a tween, it was my period. The novelty of “becoming a woman” immediately evaporated."
"Being in a boss or leadership position. The pay is nice but the amount of pointless bullsh#t is just ridiculous. Bosses have bosses and basically I’m just a messenger letting my employees know how their job is going to s#ck more…for absolutely nothing in return. Which they blame me for. There are better ways to make way more money for being hated…"
"Two worst things in the world having a job and not having a job"
"Their dreams are fulfilled.
I was watching “Soul” and it hit hard when he finally got what he’d been chasing forever and ended up with a serious case of… “Now what?”
I dubbed “the tragedy of the dream fulfilled”"
"Having been the partner w the higher sex drive it’s actual @$$. The guilt is intense when they never seem to be in the mood but you can’t help but ask."
"A pool. Unless you have a lot more money lol"
"A pool table."
"It hits hard. My dream was to travel to X one day on an extended trip.
Then I ended up living there… for a decade. And it was both amazing, fulfilling and… dreadful.
Because what was next? That WAS the ‘unachievable’ dream. I moved back to the US and felt like I was sleepwalking for a couple years."
"Retirement. My dad bought a house on a small, quiet island when he retired. Some people can only dream of doing something like that.
3 months into it he realised he was bored as f#ck. All he does is watch tv all day now. He’s miserable on that island."
"An affair. People fantasize, sure – having problems with your spouse or feeling unappreciated? Marriage counseling, divorce, etc. All better options than infidelity. It leaves lasting scars and tears apart families. Over the last several years I feel like I’ve seen such an increasing number of families destroyed.
I know one husband who went off to the oil fields because his wife requested he find a better job. Dude is gone 6 months of the year (in two month increments). Wife starts feeling lonely and unappreciated and has an affair with a co-worker. It’s taken four years for one of her kids to even talk to her again. Bad blood everywhere. Marriage counseling, communication, and even a divorce if it was needed all could have avoided the situation."
"Being recognized by strangers in public."
#11 Yes, it does, especially when theirs is three times a year, maybe... so there is a bit of "it's good for US, to do it more often" and the excitement when they agree to a time in the future (it's never in the moment for them, they have to build up to it).
#16 Yeah, cheating never makes a good situation, but the older people get the more likely it becomes, so there isn't a uptick in infidelity, you are just reaching the age where your age group is doing it.