I had not left my house for three months after high school, and my family dragged me to the beach for some BBQ. Didn't know they invited friends who just returned from their wedding with a teenage brother in tow. I got it all on Hi8 film of how I was snarkey to this guy, only to find out he liked Dragon Ball Z, and I was a huge nerd. I became his friend, then best friend, then more. Dated for almost 10 years, and married for 7 more... so it's a slow nerdy process.
“I trained her at work doing patient transfer. Even if you’re introverted 12 hour shifts in a pair for 5 days is a good way to get to know each other.”
I had not left my house for three months after high school, and my family dragged me to the beach for some BBQ. Didn't know they invited friends who just returned from their wedding with a teenage brother in tow. I got it all on Hi8 film of how I was snarkey to this guy, only to find out he liked Dragon Ball Z, and I was a huge nerd. I became his friend, then best friend, then more. Dated for almost 10 years, and married for 7 more... so it's a slow nerdy process.
go home Leon, you're drunk.
What makes you think they are all men?