Introverts Share Their Partner-Meeting Tales (16 GIFS)

Posted in INTERESTING       27 Apr 2024       2325       5 GALLERY VIEW

“Through my realtor! I was basically single for the first 32 years of my life. Decided I wanted to buy a house and met my realtor at a random open house. It took me two years looking off and on. Before I put in an offer by the end of it my realtor said she just helped a single girl buy a house and wanted to set us up on a blind date. 4 years later we’ve now been married for 1.5 years and our realtor was our officiant. Life is weird.”


“Met her at the gym. We met, she suddenly started showing up right around the same time to do cardio with me because “it makes the time go by faster.” After several weeks of this she finally said “Are you gonna ask me out or what?” and we’ve been married for going on 30 years. I’d be single to this day had she not made that comment.”


“I trained her at work doing patient transfer. Even if you’re introverted 12 hour shifts in a pair for 5 days is a good way to get to know each other.”


“Met her on a ski lift! We were both singles, got to talking, I was a local and she wasn’t so I offered to show her some cool runs. That was three years ago.”


Izismile Videos

“My fiancé is super introverted but his parents are extroverts, and I work with them both. The first thing out of his mom’s mouth was, “You should meet my son, he’s cute!” He came to our site for lunch with them every Wednesday and they invited me weekly for months and he would just sit there while the 3 of us talked.

Then finally one day I was telling his dad I was going to trivia with my friends, and he said his son would love to go! And I remember saying, “Uhhh really? He would?” But he came! So that was over 5 years ago and now we’re gettin hitched!”


“World of Warcraft. Yes really.”


“She (wife now) pestered me over the interenet until i agreed to go to local pier with her, at first I thought she was a catfish after something ’cause she 1) contacted me first 2) was hot in the pictures she showed me and 3) was insistant on meeting in person asap after only talking for a few days. (all of this to be friends, at first she she only ever talked about wanting to find a friend)”


“Ordering drinks at a bar, I specifically wanted something blue. She was behind me and said “Like a Romulan Ale?” Spent the rest of the night nerding out about Star Trek.”



“She walked up to me at a Halloween dance put on as a joint venture between our university anime club and the alternative religion kids. She walked up to me and opened the conversation with “you’re cute, we’re gonna dance now.” That was 20 years ago on October 23rd.”


“Made a very clumsy dating profile. She liked my pics, not only because of my face but also because I didn’t shy away from showing some hobbies. She read my poor, tactless text and thought: “This is either a dumb j#rk, or he’s autistic. Combined with the pictures, I’d say autistic and nerdy. Could be my type.”

Now we’re married with our own property, two doggies and expecting a baby.”


“We worked together. She broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years. My introvert brain said waiting 6 months before asking her out was the right thing to do. 2 months in, we both close our store and both end up at the same gas station filling up after work. She sees me at the next pump and goes ‘Hey. Are you ever going to ask me out? I like you and I feel like, you like me.’

19 years together, 15 married in April.”


“She saw Me playing bloon tower defense in the library and wanted me to teach her. I called her my Padawan and she told me she loved star wars. Went pretty well from there. Two kids and a dog later she’s still my padawan but it means something else now.”



“Quiz night in the pub. She was impressed by the size of my intellect. I was impressed by the capacity of her drinking. It’s been 30 years next month.”


“I started working out and doing cosplays alone. Six months after that I got the courage to go to a comicon with my cosplay, took a photo in the event, she found my post, and liked it. She DM me,saying she found me cute, we started talking, and like a month later we started dating.”


“I worked up the courage to put myself out there and completely came off as an awkward dork. Turns out, that was her type. We just celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary and have three beautiful children.”


“RuneScape. And now she’s my wife of 6 years and we have a daughter of 4 months :)”





Leon 8 month s ago
lol these cant all be real.. no wonder why we have weak kids... these are all weak men.
Kiah 8 month s ago

go home Leon, you're drunk.
Bethena 8 month s ago
Leon, you must be really really lonely
Virdie 8 month s ago

What makes you think they are all men?
Virdie 8 month s ago
I had not left my house for three months after high school, and my family dragged me to the beach for some BBQ. Didn't know they invited friends who just returned from their wedding with a teenage brother in tow. I got it all on Hi8 film of how I was snarkey to this guy, only to find out he liked Dragon Ball Z, and I was a huge nerd. I became his friend, then best friend, then more. Dated for almost 10 years, and married for 7 more... so it's a slow nerdy process.





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