"It’s funny and it’s wrong and we aren’t connected anymore so she won’t ever see this- she fully pooped during an orgasm once. Like all over my member, all over the bed. And she’s moaning the whole time with a look of pure horror on her face.
I’m not freaking out at first cause I’ve been soaked before- then it got warmer and it didn’t run and it just sat there and my brain started screaming. I could never get that night out of my head- we couldn’t have sex at all after cause that’s where my head went. I hope she’s okay and happy in love and f@#k I hope he’s not good in bed, for his sake."
It is true that some people have no concept of what love is, and just move from one person who pays bills to another. My sister has been "married" three times (but two of the men deny it) and when I tried to describe love, she just twisted my words because she is a narcissist.
OKC. seems to google to Oklahoma City strippers
#14 LOL. newsflash, he's definitely not gay.