Serilla 5 month s ago
In all fairness, when are we going to see "Nightmare Employee's You Regret Hiring" for a change? wassat
Cleatus 5 month s ago
Lost your job? Don't worry, I'm sure an illegal gimmegrant will be along at any moment to fill the position.
Leon 5 month s ago
#48 lmao. is this the burger king that went viral?? the employees and managers were treated like crap in very bad environment, like no a/c in summer, no breaks, no overtime pay.. and they put up a sign outside saying We All Quit. the district manager lost her shit. hired new people and now today that building sits empty and boarded up. Keep up the good fight employees!!!

"I Got Fired For Not Going To Work The Day Of My Grandpa's Funeral"

"I was a great waitress. I had worked there for over a year, made a slightly higher tip percentage than the other girls, was always on time, and showed up. To give "proof" that I was a great waitress, I had just been given a raise and been promoted to a shift lead position.

The restaurant had planned a Halloween party. We were all supposed to dress up, and we had a special menu planned. My grandpa was in hospice during this time and unfortunately passed away. As soon as I knew when his funeral was, I asked if I could have the day off. They said no because "all waitresses needed to work on the Halloween party". However, they let a girl take the night off because she’d been there a month and she "wasn’t comfortable working at a party yet". Well, fast-forward to the day of the funeral, and I just could not bring myself to rush home, put makeup and costume on, and be energetic with strangers, a mere three hours after burying my grandpa. I texted this at 1 PM, and the shift starts at 5 PM. It was really unfortunate because I considered my manager a true friend, but this really showed their true colors."


Nightmare Bosses You’d Dread Working With