Hair-Raising Landlord Experiences (47 PICS)

Posted in INTERESTING       28 May 2024       4123       4 GALLERY VIEW
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"I Feel Decieved On Day 1 Of Move-In"

"Is This Oven Safe And Acceptable As Stated By Landlord?"

"It has a glass cover, but no actual door so it has its springs exposed.

The handle is very flimsy and is very hard to open the oven with as it isn’t properly attached.

As soon as 5e oven is turned on it starts smoking without even being opened"


"Landlord Blew Me Off After Asking For Ac To Be Cleaned/Maintained (Tx)"

"So the AC in our apartment has been chugging day and night never stopping at 75-76 degrees and it never really stayed cool. With the humidity in the air we couldn't sleep, my allergies got worse and worse. I reached out to the contract landlord to send someone to check on it. He came himself asked if I changed the filter and batteries in the thermostat. I told him yes I have been changing the filters every month. I mentioned I checked the intake inside and external unit for exhaust and they had gunk in them. He was brushed it off and deflected, called me an idiot saying it was nothing and "You think you are knowing everything that are happen and you are wrong" at that point I had given multiple chances for him to not be rude. I started letting him spiral in his self talk about how he owns commercial property and he knows more than I do because of that..and he said "If you don't like it then move out". I called a favor for a tech to come look and this is the result. I'm down 300 bucks"


Izismile Videos

"Landlord Is Out Of State. Son Lives Here. This Is His Response To Me Asking To Keep Noise Down- How Should I Proceed? I’m In California"

"Apparently My Landlord Can’t Make A Call Because He’s “Out Of Town”"

"Landlord Filed Eviction. I Paid The Rent 10 Days Late. She Said She Would Drop The Eviction"

"My Landlords Sent A Handyman Who Did This. Would’ve Killed Us If My Father In Law Hadn’t Checked It"


"Can My Landlord Raise My Rent Via Fb Marketplace Message?"

"My landlord, who has my email and phone number, which I have requested to communicate over both many times, sent me this rent increase notice via Facebook Marketplace.

We never signed anything agreeing to this, and our newest lease, from August, states we were still paying our original rate.

He has been a consistent problem for other situations since living here, but this is the only one I am not sure how to handle"


"Can My Landlord Fine Everyone For Damage In The Lobby? Chicago, Il"

"Question About Qualifications?"

"I Got This Today, I Am Going To Complain And Demand A Week Time Frame"

"This will make a month and a half straight where they can walk into my home. They came in 2 days ago and broke some of my stuff, said sorry and just walked out so I don't trust them to be alone in my home. Also my heat pump works fine, they have not inspected it"


"Landlord Refusal To Fix Floor Due To Cost, Possible Stalling"

"It has been a year since my heel went through our flooring while putting socks on totally random and most likely due to poor flooring.

My landlord has not fixed it and has said it is because of the high cost. And has even gone as far to say he doesn’t believe me that’s how it happened and thinks it’s because I dropped something “heavy”.

He has given me the opportunity to pay half (which I will not do) or wait until he finds a cheaper estimate. I am now worried that he is just waiting until I move out to take it out of my deposit"


"Apartment Doesn’t Allow Rock Salt For My Stairs (Ca)"

"I live in a low income apartment with my baby since July. Got a note in august saying they’d be fixing the stair due to people getting hurt from them and nothing has been done. There’s also water dripping on the steps throughout the day and freezes over at night. I recently almost slipped down them while carrying my baby, on my way to work at 5am . They don’t allow rock salt because they say it’ll ruin the concrete"


"Landlord Wants To Use (My) Stairs, California"

"I share a duplex with my landlord (bad decision) and he has hired movers to move things out of the unit that he lives in. We both have our own stairs to access our units but my stairs would be far more convenient for the movers to use. I have cleaned the stairs but my landlord has a history of making veiled threats like the one above. I guess I'm torn between keeping the peace and telling him that he cannot use my stairs"


"I Got Email From Leasing Office To Take Down Ornamental On Door. I See Wreath On Door Of My Neighbor's For More Than A Year"

"I see wreath on door of my neighbor's for more than a year and others have doormats still on. Is it true to not even add this on door which is less flammable than the door or wall itself?"



"Is My Landlord Allowed To Do This (Il)"

"My landlord is trying to raise rent as picture shows. We have a 1 year fixed lease of $550 and he is trying to increase it to $600. Is he legally allowed to do this while in middle of lease? I have read the lease carefully and there’s no verbiage saying he can raise it in the middle of the lease"


"Recently my furnace went out and was replaced by my landlord. While it was out we were given space heaters. After it was fixed our water lines froze. We asked the property company if we could hold onto the space heaters to heat up the pipes. They’ve now given us a $100 bill for use of the space heaters"


"I saw these notices being put in our doors by someone yesterday around 4-4:30 in the AFTERNOON. So it's not even a full 24 hours notice"


"Is This Detached Ceiling Light Potentially Dangerous? Probably Manager Has Not Responded To My Requests To Fix It For 2 Weeks"

"This is in the hallway of my building. As you can see, the light is fully detached from the ceiling and hanging by the wires. I’ve been trying to get the property maintenance guy to fix it for over two weeks. I last texted him a week ago, no response. I’m worried it could fall on somebody, or mess up the wiring"



"My Sisters Place Flooded And The Landlord Is Brushing Off Safety Concerns"

"Landlord’s Girlfriend Sent This Text, She Is Not Stated On The Lease As The Property Manager Only Him, Is This Legally Aloud"

"Landlord Won't Respond To Messages Regarding A New Mail Box Key And It's Been Almost 5 Months And I Don't Know What To Do. (Mn)"


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Lanna 9 month s ago
I can imagine dealing with renters can be a real pain in the arse sometimes but some of these are nuts.
Vincenzo 9 month s ago
In many places, you can write and deliver a letter to your landlord stating the deficits, and giving them a reasonable time to fix it, before proceeding to hire someone on your own to fix it. You can deduct that amount from your rent. It is amazing how fast things get fixed when you state that.
Chan 9 month s ago
#37. That’s minor. I wouldn’t fix it either.
Noel 9 month s ago
There's your freedom! Freedom of free enterprise without government influence! Freedom to f@#k customers in the behind even if they're always right.





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