"My city has recently been filling small potholes with tiles like"
"I'm missing a line on my finger"
"I found an enclosed, gated, personal reserved parking spot in this parking garage."
"My step dad has kept the same piece of Parmesan cheese for over 10 years"
"Somehow this snail reached my bed"
"My town defaulted on our only free public charger’s electricity bill"
"This bite mark at my gym’s fly machine"
"My salt rock deodorant after five years of almost daily usage vs a new one."
"Dr squatch deodorant air gapped"
"These stairs lead to nowhere."
"The random couple who crashed my sister's wedding left a card with $11.54 inside"
"A plant sprouted out of my loofah."
"$250,000 Porsche 911 GT3RS with a student driver sticker"
"The way this shade line split my lilac bush"
"This smart rental store in my friend’s building"
"Legal voting age is 18, but you have to be born before 2000 to use this ballot paper."
"Grocery store gift card section has a warning against people getting scammed"
"The difference in wear on the toilet doors in the pool club."
"This table has a suspicious extra appendage"
"My grandma gifted me a shaving kit with free music downloads that expired in 2005"
#14 Hydrangea, not lilac.
My TI-.30 Galaxy from 1986 works too1
Proud owner of an HP 48SX