“While most people know dogs don’t see as much color as humans, not as many people know they don’t see in as much detail as we do! Perfect sight for a human is 20:20, but for a dog, it’s 20:70 or 20:80. However, dogs track movement better than people because of a structure in their eye called a visual streak, which humans don’t have. So they’re very good at seeing horizontal movement and tracking it, even if visually they might not be able to make out what it is precisely.”
#18 Just like all the other mammals, meat, vegetables, whatever is available to eat.
life is essentially meaningless without death. if things lived a very long time, people would just put it off until later.
Humans just live too long. Most animals have a handful of years to live. American opossums only live 3-4 and make incredibly great pets for the first 2. Then they hit maturity and need to run free and breed. Then they raise their young for a year and die, like an Octopus...