This is what those Olympic rings look like from behind:
And this is how big they are compared to a person:
This poster from the late 1800s advertises a fight between "the world's thinnest man" and "the world's fattest man":
This is what the wheel of the Mars Curiosity Rover looks like after over a decade on the Red Planet:
You can buy a signed Babe Ruth baseball from Costco:
Some funeral homes sell cardboard box coffins:
This is what an MRI of a kiwi, a peach, and an avocado looks like:
This is what a size 74 belt looks like:
This is one of the few known photos of Vincent van Gogh, shown here at age 20:
This is what a modern-day "bulb" inside a lighthouse looks like:
This is a picture of the ice mountains of Pluto as seen from the New Horizons space probe:
Some movie theaters let you know straight from the jump if you need to sit through the credits:
Oranges float and limes sink:
Redwood trees are really, really, really, really big:
In some lines of work, you cannot carry a cellphone with a camera. This is what an iPhone with no camera looks like:
This is what a hummingbird egg looks like compared to an ostrich egg:
This is what the Statue of Liberty looks like from the back:
This, in all its 1912 glory, is what a first-class suite looked like on the ship:
Some libraries tell you just how much using them has saved you. Spoiler alert, my friend — it's a lot:
In some places you can buy BAGS of cooking oil:
This is a sunfish...
Moreover, They're more 'Rollerblade' than 'roller skate.'