"I was driving cross country for work and stopped in West Memphis for the night. Went to the casino to burn a few hours. From my machine I saw a lady playing slots with tears running down her face. I heard her scream and looked up to realize the machine hit zero and she started bawling uncontrollably. She was screaming that she had nothing left and to please have her money back. Got removed by security. I hit for $150 and cashed out but the walk to my car was terrifying. I'm not a target demographic for mugging, but the desperation on people's faces was noticeable. Never going there again."
What a stupid idiot. Blame others for his own faults, life decisions and his addiction. Let Darwin sort him out.
Oh, and the training facilities for croupiers were a lot of fun to be. We learned to explain the payout of slotmachines. To do that, we would fill them up with (training) coins and start playing. Some machines you could bet 5 coins on each of the 7 winlines. So 35 coins in a single push of a button, gone. You could have a bucket of coins, spend a few minutes filling the machine with m, and then play it away in 60 seconds.