"My first December working in the casino I'm still at. I was on a blackjack table and a guy sits down and drops $1565 on the table and tells the dealer "dealer, my family's about to have a great Christmas or no Christmas"
20 minutes later it's gone and he asks the dealer if she's happy with herself and how well the casino has to be paying her.
Never saw the guy again(our casino is 95% repeat customers) so I wouldn't be surprised if that actually was his Christmas money."
What a stupid idiot. Blame others for his own faults, life decisions and his addiction. Let Darwin sort him out.
Oh, and the training facilities for croupiers were a lot of fun to be. We learned to explain the payout of slotmachines. To do that, we would fill them up with (training) coins and start playing. Some machines you could bet 5 coins on each of the 7 winlines. So 35 coins in a single push of a button, gone. You could have a bucket of coins, spend a few minutes filling the machine with m, and then play it away in 60 seconds.