Seymour 3 month s ago
#10 I suppose hearing impairment is a requisite for playing The Incredible Hulk. Isn't that right, Lou Ferrigno? dirol
Nibby 3 month s ago

I now understand why I have to keep repeating 'Hey Bixby' before my Samsung watch finally listens
Vinnie 3 month s ago
#12 That’s why your grandparents still call them, “Clickers.”
Nibby 3 month s ago

Had a friend with such a TV. Rattling your keychain would mess his tv up:)
Willie 3 month s ago
#5....that's a cabochon...not faceted. Duh
Bridget 3 month s ago
#2 What about 95 to 5%?

#21 is not iceberg lettuce
One 3 month s ago
#9 You shoud check your stories.

This fella didn't build a prison in his yard. Actually, he moved to a monastery for a couple of years. That's it.

Please... Stop spreading these stories without a background check! It's so easy these days. Just ask AI, Wiki or even fu****g google. sm_80
Sher 3 month s ago
#13 That P.T. Barnum ... posted signs indicating "This Way to the Egress". Not knowing that "Egress" was another word for "Exit", people followed the signs ... and ended up outside."

Is the writer of this caption that ignorant. He posted a sign pointing the way to an exit - ya think maybe he did know what egress meant?
Virdie 3 month s ago
I guess they ran out of sequential numbers for social security in 2011, because yeah, I even know how many people got socials between each of my younger sisters, because they didn't even randomize the last 4 digits. So people who take a tiny bit of time to study it, already know what are valid numbers, even if they know nothing about who it belongs to.
Vert 3 month s ago
#15 That plane crashed in a neighborhood in which the residents were still waiting to bury their dead from the September attacks - mostly families of first responders. They couldn't have services or bury their dead because there were so many there was a waiting list. They thought it was another attack. The terror which it unleashed was traumatizing. I remember that day, because later, I was sitting in a meeting of one of the big self-help groups, in which people were sitting there talking about how wonderful and kind and loving god is. One of them went on about how nice god was for finding her a parking space that day. It was the last time I ever went to one of those meetings.

re: Bruce Lee: it's called 'hypernatraemia', not 'hypo'. Hyper means too much; hypo means not enough. 'Nat' is from Latin; in English, it survives in words such as 'natatorium', which is a place for swimming. ...Deaths from hypernatraemia are not as uncommon as one might supposed. And persons who drink obsessive amounts of water become much less healthy than they think they are. I've seen it in athletes I've coached, where was able to measure it in their performance, also in persons following extreme diets. if you pee clear once a day, you're getting plenty of water; if it's much more often than that, you're getting too much.

"Medieval European cuisine used to be more complex and flavorful. However, once spice became cheap and readily available to the poor, the elites started taking spices out of European cooking as they didn't want to be associated with the poor. This trend had lasting effects on European cuisine."


"Polio is one of only two diseases currently the subject of a global eradication program, the other being Guinea worm disease. So far, the only diseases completely eradicated by humankind are smallpox, declared eradicated in 1980, and rinderpest, declared eradicated in 2011."


"After a lawyer complained that Cleveland Browns fans were throwing paper airplanes, their lawyer responded "Attached is a letter that we received on November 19, 1974. I feel that you should be aware that some @$$hole is signing your name to stupid letters.""


"Matt Damon wanted The Bourne Conspiracy video game to be a puzzle game, and refused to lend his voice talent to the game when it was turned into a shooter."


"The first Sony Walkman had two headphone jacks so you could share it with someone else as they thought it would be considered rude to listen by yourself. This feature was removed as no one used it."


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