Surprising ‘Today I Learned’ Facts To Impress Your Friends (28 PICS)

Posted in INTERESTING       16 Oct 2024       1809       9 GALLERY VIEW

"In 1972 Canada had a contest to complete the saying "As Canadian as..." The winner was Heather Scott who answered "As Canadian as possible under the circumstances.""


"In Japan, only 100% fruit juice can display a realistic cut fruit on the label, 95% may display a whole but unsliced fruit. 5% or less, it is forbidden to display a realistic fruit on the label."


"L Ron Hubbards Grandson is a renowned Slam Poet and activist against Scientology."


"In 2019 a Japanese University student studying ninja history turned in an essay written in invisible ink. The words only became visible when the paper was heated over a gas stove. Her professor without even revealing the whole essay gave her an A."


Izismile Videos

"After a boy in the 1930s found what looked like a "great lump of coal", his family used it as a doorstop for a decade until his dad had "a little look at it." This led to the realization it was the world's largest black sapphire. After being faceted, the Black Star of Queensland is 733 carats."


"A Coca-Cola secretary offered to sell Coca-Cola trade secrets to Pepsi. Pepsi responded by notifying Coca-Cola, and the secretary was sentenced to 8 years in prison."


"Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys wrote their first single "Surfin'" for a high school music class and received an F for it. In 2018 the high school retroactively changed his grade to an A."


"Sir Ben Kingsley was born Krishna Bhanji but changed his name and noticed an immediate uptick in job offers, from "We don't quite know how to place you" to "When can you start?""



"Japanese war criminal Hitoshi Imamura, believing that his sentence of 10 years imprisonment was too light, built a replica prison in his garden where he stayed until his death in 1968."


"Mark Ruffalo woke from a dream that told him he had a brain tumor. He got a CT scan the following day confirming he had a benign tumor behind his left ear. The tumor was removed, and he is deaf in that ear as a result of the surgery."


"A man missing nearly 30 years was found alive and living just 80 miles away from where he disappeared after he helped solve his own disappearance by telling a social worker he had a flashback and remembered his name. He had reportedly suffered major memory loss due to a head injury."


"Early TV remotes worked with a spring-loaded hammer striking a solid aluminum rod in the device, which then rings out at an ultrasonic frequency, requiring no batteries."



"That P.T. Barnum noticed people were lingering too long at his exhibits so he posted signs indicating "This Way to the Egress". Not knowing that "Egress" was another word for "Exit", people followed the signs to what they assumed was a fascinating exhibit and ended up outside."


"Microsoft Solitaire was developed by a bored summer intern named Wes Cherry. He received no royalties for his work despite it being among the most used Windows applications of all time."


"The oral history of the Klamath indigenous people describes the eruption of a volcano and subsequent creation of Crater Lake in Oregon, events that geologists date to almost 8,000 years ago."


"Switzerland has accidentally invaded neighboring Liechtenstein several times. On one such occasion, the Liechtensteiners reportedly offered drinks to the Swiss soldiers, who declined and quickly departed."


"Tolkien and CS Lewis hated Disney, with Tolkien branding Walt's movies as “disgusting” and “hopelessly corrupted” and calling him a "cheat""


"Just 2 months after 9/11, another commercial airliner, American Airlines Flight 587, crashed into a NYC neighborhood in Queens after a critical mechanical/piloting failure just minutes after take off. 265 people were killed and several homes were completely destroyed."


""Tiffany Problem", where a historical or realistic fact is deemed anachronistic or unrealistic due to modern associations. Named after the name Tiffany, which is often considered a modern name but has medieval origins."



"While great apes can learn hundreds of sign-language words, they never ask questions."


"The Double Rainbow guy was a prolific uploader and created thousands of videos. He also scheduled 15 years of uploads in advanced before he died, leaving his channel still active now 4 years after his death."


"In 1973 a British couple survived 117 days lost at sea on an inflatable raft after their boat sank when it was struck by a whale. They survived by "almost continually" bailing water out of their raft, while collecting rainwater & killing turtles, birds and fish with their bare hands for food."


"Male peacocks make fake mating sounds to make him seem more popular so females will mate with him."


"'Zombie fires' are fires that burned during the summer, stay underground all winter long and pop up above the surface again in the spring."


"Japan received its first female fighter pilot in 2018. She was inspired as a child by Top Gun but could not become a combat aviator until the JSDF began accepting female candidates in 2015."



"Iceberg Lettuce has a water content of 96%. This results in it having essentially no nutritional value and only trace amounts of vitamins and minerals."


"In 1958, Burma-Shave offered a "free trip to Mars" for sending in 900 empty jars. A grocery store manager, Arliss French, took it literally and collected all 900. To save face, Burma-Shave sent him, fully dressed as an astronaut, to Moers, Germany (of which they felt was pronounced Mars)."


"Medieval European cuisine used to be more complex and flavorful. However, once spice became cheap and readily available to the poor, the elites started taking spices out of European cooking as they didn't want to be associated with the poor. This trend had lasting effects on European cuisine."


"Polio is one of only two diseases currently the subject of a global eradication program, the other being Guinea worm disease. So far, the only diseases completely eradicated by humankind are smallpox, declared eradicated in 1980, and rinderpest, declared eradicated in 2011."


"After a lawyer complained that Cleveland Browns fans were throwing paper airplanes, their lawyer responded "Attached is a letter that we received on November 19, 1974. I feel that you should be aware that some @$$hole is signing your name to stupid letters.""


"Matt Damon wanted The Bourne Conspiracy video game to be a puzzle game, and refused to lend his voice talent to the game when it was turned into a shooter."


"The first Sony Walkman had two headphone jacks so you could share it with someone else as they thought it would be considered rude to listen by yourself. This feature was removed as no one used it."


"In 2012, a California high school student was directed to urinate in a bucket in a supply room closet after a teacher mistakenly believed that bathroom breaks were not permitted. In 2017, a court ordered the school district to pay the student $1.25 million."



"According to a 2016 study, having a first-class section on an airplane quadruples the chances of an air rage incident. Furthermore, loading economy passengers through first class doubles the chances again."


"The Notre Dame fire disaster was made worse because a guard was sent to investigate, but to the wrong location where he found no fire. The alarm system was not designed to automatically notify the fire brigade."


"Due to their long association with humans, dogs have evolved the ability to thrive on a starch-rich diet, which would be inadequate for other canid species."


"No child with type I diabetes survived until adulthood before 1922."


"Senior citizen Emerich Juettner eluded the US Secret Service for 10 years while he used just enough poorly created counterfeit $1 bills (one version misspelled Washington) to support himself & his dog. He only used fake $1 bills one at a time & never to the same place twice. He'd serve 4 months."


"Before the breakup, AT&T didn't allow customers to use phones made by other companies, claiming using them would degrade the network."


"The end of the Stone Age to the present represents only around 0.7% of human history."


"George Washington was unusually tall (6'2") and quite strong, and never wore a powdered wig."


"A 2022 study proposed that Bruce Lee may have died from hyponatraemia - a low concentration of sodium in blood, which is caused by excessive water intake. At the time of his death, Lee had reportedly been existing on a near-liquid diet of mostly juices."


"Following Michael Jackson's death, his sister discovered two hard disks at her brother's home that contained more than 100 unreleased songs, many of which were unregistered. In 2010, Sony signed a deal with Jackson's estate to release 10 posthumous albums, but only 3 were ever released."


"A basketball player, Boban Janković, frustrated with his fifth foul, slammed his head into a padded concrete post, leaving him unable to walk for the rest of his life."


"In 1952 a doctor in France released a deadly virus to kill rabbits on his estate, which then killed 90% of France's rabbits within two years."


"Costa Concordia, the cruise ship that sank in 2012, resulting in the death of 32 people, had been carrying a large amount of mafia-owned cocaine when it sank and traces of it were found in Captain Francesco Schettino's hair samples."


"Hippos can defecate into rivers so much that their feces builds up and kills fish through hypoxia, or lack of oxygen. In the Mara River, about 4,000 hippos poop out more than 9 tons of dung each day. Hippo feces also leaves behind chemicals such as ammonium and sulfide, which is harmful to fish."


"If your SSN was issued before 2011 it reveals where you lived when you got your number. The first 3 digits correspond to a specific state."


"The burial sites in Medina and Mecca for the Prophet Muhammad's family members were destroyed to make room for the Hajj pilgrimages."





Seymour 5 days ago
#10 I suppose hearing impairment is a requisite for playing The Incredible Hulk. Isn't that right, Lou Ferrigno? dirol
Nibby 5 days ago

I now understand why I have to keep repeating 'Hey Bixby' before my Samsung watch finally listens
Vinnie 5 days ago
#12 That’s why your grandparents still call them, “Clickers.”
Nibby 5 days ago

Had a friend with such a TV. Rattling your keychain would mess his tv up:)
Willie 5 days ago
#5....that's a cabochon...not faceted. Duh
Bridget 5 days ago
#2 What about 95 to 5%?

#21 is not iceberg lettuce
One 5 days ago
#9 You shoud check your stories.

This fella didn't build a prison in his yard. Actually, he moved to a monastery for a couple of years. That's it.

Please... Stop spreading these stories without a background check! It's so easy these days. Just ask AI, Wiki or even fu****g google. sm_80
Sher 4 days ago
#13 That P.T. Barnum ... posted signs indicating "This Way to the Egress". Not knowing that "Egress" was another word for "Exit", people followed the signs ... and ended up outside."

Is the writer of this caption that ignorant. He posted a sign pointing the way to an exit - ya think maybe he did know what egress meant?
Virdie 4 days ago
I guess they ran out of sequential numbers for social security in 2011, because yeah, I even know how many people got socials between each of my younger sisters, because they didn't even randomize the last 4 digits. So people who take a tiny bit of time to study it, already know what are valid numbers, even if they know nothing about who it belongs to.





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