"“Progress, not perfection.”
It just takes a lot of the pressure off because when I focus on progress, I feel more at ease, I’m kinder to myself and I can actually enjoy the journey without feeling weighed down."
“If it costs me my peace then it’s too expensive.”
"There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and idiots."
"“Think about the person you want to be. What would she do in this situation?”. Then do that.
I believe that if I do this enough times I will find that I am, in fact, that person."
Izismile Videos
"“Sometimes it’s better to let ghosts be ghosts.”
Can’t change the past so just leave it there."
"Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Meaning; Not my problem, none of my business. Keep me out of it, don’t count on me"
"Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead."
"Find the good in a bad situation and squeeze the hell out of it."
"“I don’t know who you are or where you live, but you are my family and I love you.” as a general reminder that I share the planet with billions of other human beings who need kindness/empathy/compassion just as much as I do."
"Do your part no matter whether others do theirs or not. You will not be the one with regrets later."
"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today."
"Do no harm, but take no sh#t."
"I don’t let myself get worked up over things that are out of my control. My negative emotions won’t change anything so there’s no point in focusing on it."
"Plan for the worst, hope for the best”"
"Measure twice, cut once"
"You’re not a victim. Don’t swallow in anger or sadness. Be efficient."
"Do one thing today you’ll thank yourself for tomorrow."