"Winco! Ruining Christmas Suppers Everywhere!!"
"Went to Winco 3 days before Christmas to get all the supper fixings. I hosted Xmas Eve supper for about 15 people. I pull the rolls out to brown them in the oven before serving and just look!!! The date even says Dec 29!!!
My sister who is hosting Xmas supper today grabbed the bread she got from Winco to make the stuffing and guess what?! It was also moldy and and not past the sell by date!! A different type of Winco bread at a differnt Winco store even!
Guess what I will never be buying at Winco again?!"
That's a cheap price if going out to dinner. Can't get a 6oz steak for less than $50 a person these days.
#17 Oranges are a long time traditional American gift. It represents one of the few natural late year fruits, and also prevents winter scurvy.