"I Got Fired So This Is My Christmas Alone"
"I live in Atlanta, Georgia and I got fired on December 20th. My only chance to pay rent this month was to drive 700 miles and start a new contracting job the week of Christmas.
I don’t have any family or many friends anyways but I was looking forward to spending time with the few souls I do have in my life. I miss them but I am stuck eating ravioli on a concrete floor, in a warehouse, for Christmas."
"Got My Nieces (3) This Tent For Christmas. One Ran Away And One Started To Cry. My SIL Was Like “We Have One Of Those, It’s The Time Out Tent”"
"Over The Holidays My Sister Tried To Make A Peppermint Candy Platter On A Perforated Pizza Pan"
"Just Noticed I Have Been Given The Wrong Tablets By The Pharmacist And Taking Them For A Month. Was Prescribed Blood Pressure Tablets (Enalapril). Received Anti Depressants (Escitalopram). Explains Weird Side Effects From Before Xmas"
Izismile Videos
"Someone No Longer Fits Into Their Christmas Sweater And Can’t Get It Off"
"How I Received My Xmas Gift From Amazon"
"The cover was bent and the record was chipped.
At least Amazon replaced it the next day, in the proper record mailer, inside an another box with packing bubbles. It’s like there’s no middle ground with them."
"My 16 Year Old Sister Spent Two Hours Cooking Christmas Dinner And My Mom Won't Eat Because Shes Mad That She Didn't Like Her Present"
"Christmas Just Got Cancelled"
"Christmas Is Starting Off With A Bang"
"Got Norovirus On Christmas Eve. This Is How I'm Spending The Night"
"An Attempt At A Christmas Cake"
"Toddler Threw His Christmas Present At My Christmas Present"
"BF Stood Me Up"
"Ended up at a holiday themed pop up bar, alone. Ended up paying $8 for a $2 beer. Stared at my feet the floor and the walls for what felt like an eternity watching other couples and families interact and engage in the festivities. I want to crawl into a deep hole and disappear. I’m so embarrassed."
"Had Such Bad Diarrhea The Past Few Days That My Christmas Plans Got Canceled And I Ended Up Needing An IV Drip"
"Well, This Isn't A Good Thing To Come Home To After Christmas Holiday"
"Luckily, our Dad came home earlier than us and this happened when he was at the house so he went and cut the power, unplugged stuff, etc."
"Had My Own Nightmare Before Christmas Last Night"
"Boss Canceled Our Christmas Party Cause This Broke The Bank"
"I found out we had canceled the yearly Christmas party / bonus. A multi store owner within a large corporate chain food company allowed our management to instead do this for the staff of say 60 employees per store. Upon completing this project along with a few other miscellaneous gifts (donuts, Doritos, and [get this] oranges,) he told us this gesture was “breaking the bank.” Love it here."
"There Was An Attempt To Buy A Christmas Blanket From Temu"
"My Dad Bought A Set Of AI Generated Christmas Mats"
"Surprised A Mobile Home Park With A 10ft Christmas Tree And It Was Stolen The Next Day"
"Brand New $300 Microwave From Amazon Came Full Of Crusty Old Food"
"Christmas gift from my parents got delivered today. Wasn’t supposed to be used or refurbished. Smells AWFUL. They’re letting us return it but I have to take it to UPS."
"There Goes Dessert For Christmas"
That's a cheap price if going out to dinner. Can't get a 6oz steak for less than $50 a person these days.
#17 Oranges are a long time traditional American gift. It represents one of the few natural late year fruits, and also prevents winter scurvy.