"We Bought A Quest 3 From Walmart And Opened It On Christmas. There Was A Broken Quest 2 Inside"
"We dug through the trash and found our receipt. We brought the quest to Walmart and the store manager came out and said there was nothing he could do. He would not even replace it with another unit. We told him we don't want money we just want what we paid for but he just kept telling us to call corporate.
We called corporate and they said they can't override a manager's decision. I posted on X(FKAT) and meta support reached out and urged us to open a support ticket. So we're waiting on their response now"
That's a cheap price if going out to dinner. Can't get a 6oz steak for less than $50 a person these days.
#17 Oranges are a long time traditional American gift. It represents one of the few natural late year fruits, and also prevents winter scurvy.