“On average, paying insurance is not worth it.”
“There was a weird period of years where people had a home phone line, and a cell phone without location services. Answering a home phone risked exposing their exact location to strangers, but using a cell phone meant they could lie to their closest friends–and get away with it.”
“Cold milk is a human invention. All milk in nature is warm from body heat.”
“Customer service is now “Company shield”
Izismile Videos
“AI-powered algorithms curate everything we see on social media, so in a way, AI already has a subtle grip on how we think.”
“Thanks to vanishing pay phones and triangulating cell towers, modern detectives can expect fewer taunting phone calls from snarky serial killers.”
"Marsupials are the only animals that can be pickpocketed."
“Willy Wonka had atrocious business acumen. Despite making the unequivocally best chocolate in the world, he still had competitors. Then he revealed his trade secrets to 10 strangers. Four of whom (kids) he knew wouldn’t win his factory and five of whom (guardians) were never in contention”
“Superheroes should be flying feet-first to protect their heads.”
“People often tell introverts to talk more to make everyone else more comfortable. Yet they never tell extraverts to talk less to make introverts more comfortable.”
“Confidence is not ‘They will like me’ it’s ‘I’ll be ok if they don’t.”
“I correct auto-correct more times than it corrects me.”
“Some one just made up dinosaur sounds without even hearing them.”
“People stay up late because we don’t want our free time to end and we don’t want tomorrow to start yet.”