"African Buffaloes Make Decisions By Voting"
"Turns out, Democracy isn’t just a human behavior. Animals take part in it as well! The African buffalo is one of the animals most well-known for using a voting tactic to make travel decisions. African buffalo herds actually use a form of voting when trying to decide which direction to travel in. One at a time, adult females will stand up and look in a certain direction before sitting down. Whichever direction gets the most amount of looks is typically where the herd travels. Interestingly, if the vote is divided, the herd will actually split up temporarily. Only the adult females are allowed a vote, regardless of social status within the herd."
My guess is that it's an AI algorithm that can't contextualize what "kill more people" means in this sentence, and interprets that phrase as a real threat? Or not. I dunno.
I really want to know how a cow kills a shark, but I guess i misread that title.