When The Natural World Shows Its Strange Side (31 PICS)

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"There Is A Coffee Made From Beans That Have Been Extracted From The Droppings Of The Asian Palm Civet"

"Looking something like a cross between a cat and a mongoose, a civet loves the flesh of coffee berries, but cannot properly digest the beans, which emerge whole when it defecates. These beans are then collected and sold as Kopi luwak, hailed variously as “the Holy Grail of coffees” and “the most exotic beverage on the planet."


"Hummingbirds Can Fly Upside-Down And Backwards. Their Metabolism Moves So Fast That They Are Always Hours Away From Starvation"

"Puffins Dress To Impress In Breeding Season"

"Puffins are black on top with white bellies and cheeks. In the breeding season, they have brightly-coloured bills, orange legs and very distinctive red and black eye markings."


"Octopuses Have Three Hearts"

"Two pump blood to the gills, while the third pumps it to the rest of the body."


Izismile Videos

"Honey Never Spoils"

"Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible."


"Birds Are Descended From Dinosaurs"

"When we think of dinosaurs, we often think of large, reptile-like creatures. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is often thought of as a scaled-up, ferocious lizard, but that might not be the case for all other dinosaurs.

Since the 1960s, many scientists have found recurring evidence that birds are direct descendants of these prehistoric reptiles. In fact, according to the Smithsonian Magazine, all living birds are indeed dinosaurs, but not all dinosaurs were considered birds. Some dinosaurs even had feathers just like birds!"


"Frogs Freeze In Winter And Thaw In Spring"

"Some frogs have an incredible ability to survive freezing cold winters. They can actually let their bodies freeze and then thaw out when it warms up. This adaptation lets them live through temperatures that would be too cold for many other animals."


"Orcas Are Pregnant For 17 Months"

"Female orcas start breeding at around 6-10 years old, males at 10-13 years. Breeding occurs all year round although it is most common in summer. The gestation period of an orca is about 17 months which is the longest of all cetaceans. Females may give birth every 3-5 years, although sometimes it may be as long as a decade between successful births."



"Bananas Are Berries, But Strawberries Aren't"

"In botanical terms, a berry is a fruit produced from the ovary of a single flower with seeds embedded in the flesh. By this definition, bananas qualify, whereas strawberries do not."


"There Are More Trees On Earth Than Stars In The Milky Way"

"There are so many trees covering our planet that scientists had to figure out a new method to quantify them, and they’ve actually calculated that there are more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way.

Scientists have determined that the number of stars in the Milky Way ranges from 100 billion to upwards of 400 billion, but there is an estimated amount of 3 trillion trees on Earth. That’s a lot of trees! Even with all those trees currently on Earth, it is still very important that we continue protecting our forests and planting more trees!"


"African Buffaloes Make Decisions By Voting"

"Turns out, Democracy isn’t just a human behavior. Animals take part in it as well! The African buffalo is one of the animals most well-known for using a voting tactic to make travel decisions. African buffalo herds actually use a form of voting when trying to decide which direction to travel in. One at a time, adult females will stand up and look in a certain direction before sitting down. Whichever direction gets the most amount of looks is typically where the herd travels. Interestingly, if the vote is divided, the herd will actually split up temporarily. Only the adult females are allowed a vote, regardless of social status within the herd."


"Reindeer Eyeballs Turn Blue In Winter To Help Them See At Lower Light Levels. (They're Golden-Colored In Summer.) No Other Mammals Are Known To Have This Ability"


"Bats Save Billions Of Dollars A Year"

"Bats tend to get a bad rap. The truth is, they gobble up lots of troublesome insects. In fact, they're so good at keeping pests away from food crops that they save U.S. farmers alone at least $3.7 billion on pesticides every year. So bats are actually a significant factor in the U.S. agricultural economy."


"A Single Strand Of Spider Silk Is Thinner Than A Human Hair But Also Five Times Stronger Than Steel Of The Same Width. A Rope Just 2 Inches Thick Could Reportedly Stop A Boeing 747"

"Desert Foxes Use Their Big Ears To Keep Cool"

"Desert foxes, especially the tiny Fennec Fox, have really big ears. But these ears aren’t just good for hearing. They help the foxes stay cool in the hot desert. The large ears act like natural air conditioners, releasing heat and keeping the foxes comfortable in the scorching sun."


"Young Goats Pick Up Accents From Each Other, Joining Humans, Bats, And Whales As Mammals Known To Adjust Their Vocal Sounds To Fit Into A New Social Group"



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Credits:  www.boredpanda.com

Berry 10 hours ago
#22 we are now editing/censoring the word "kill"?!?! C'mon, really?!?!
Gustavus 10 hours ago
My guess is that it's an AI algorithm that can't contextualize what "kill more people" means in this sentence, and interprets that phrase as a real threat? Or not. I dunno. wassat
Rosie 8 hours ago
36 Finding Nemo could've turned into something really messed up....





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