"From May 1821-Jan 1822, the state of Maine had 5 governors. One served for only 3 days."
"The dude who discovered Pluto’s moon named it ‘Charon’ because it reminded him of his wife’s name, Charlene."
"Rob Lowe, Robert Downey Jr., Charlie Sheen, and Sean Penn were all buddies in high school."
"Squirrels have beenk known to essentially make their own mushroom jerky by hanging mushrooms out to dry. This keeps them from being eaten up by bugs as well."
"Shortly after WWII, several shortwave radio stations appeared around the world and were transmitting letters and numbers. It’s assumed they’re spies communicating with each other."
"Ruthie Thompson, a Disney Artist who worked on Snow White, lived to be 111 years old."
"A man in Bosnia faked his own death, even going as far as forging a death certificate and bribing undertakers, just to see who’d come to his funeral. Only his mom showed up."
"In the 80’s, Pablo Escobar had 4 hippos brought over to his estate. In 2014, nearly 80 hippos lived in the same place, and were considered to be invasive."
"The largest manufacturer of tires in the world? LEGO."
“In 1844, the Philippines moved from one side of the International Date Line to the other, which means that December 31, 1844, did not exist for them.”
"‘The Sopranos’ was so accurate that the Mafia was convinced that they had someone working with them on the show."
"It wasn’t until 1997 that it became an official rule for NHL players to wear helmets."
“Farmers Union Iced Coffee outsells Coca-Cola in South Australia making it the only place in the world where a milk drink outsells a cola product.”
"Miley Cyrus’ first job was to pick up the bras and underwear thrown onto stage at her dads concerts. She got paid 10 bucks for it."