AskMen.com's Top 99 Most Desirable Women made its annual list of the most desirable women in the world according to its readers and staff opinion. The list consists of female celebrities and stars.
It’s interesting to see the compilation even if mine would be a little bit different ))
I made this collection of photos about different constructions that are sometimes funny and sometimes look stupid.
Looking at these pictures you can ask yourself where the limit of human silliness is. 
Hi folks,
It’s almost the weekend and lots of people will be happy, including me :)
There have been a lot of interesting stuff this week on Izismile, so if you think you missed something or if you didn’t have time to have a look on each post, take time this weekend to do it. Archives are becoming bigger and bigger everyday, so there are a lot of videos to watch and lots of flash games to play.
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Have a nice weekend and see ya on Monday ;)

Unusual mirrors (12 photos)

Obama toy (17 photos)

Abigail Clancy in bikini (5 photos)

American presidents get older very fast at work (5 photos)

Japanese freak lingerie (5 photos)

A girl decided to get revenge on his boyfriend (5 photos)
I love all the pin-up and steampunk drawings and especially retro photos.
I find them classy. 
Look at these pictures and try to say what you see and what sense it has.
I’m sure that everyone will have different explanation ;)
It is horrible to imagine that such thing can be inside of a human body.
It is even more horrible to imagine how it can be extracted from there.
Here’s the story of one kidney stone which weighs only 1 kilogram after the jump.
They can be ordinary men at work or with their friends.
But what they do when nobody can see them, on private parties…
They can transform themselves completely.
Click to see more.
I would never put my feet into the water this cold.
But the Russians make big lines in order to get into this ice water.
There are strong traditions for ice swimming and dousing with cold water in Russia. They are done for health benefits, as a ritual of the Orthodox Church for the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord.