Baby the cat and Charles the female bearded dragon befriended each other and spend their whole time together. This unlikely couple also likes to cuddle a lot and play outside.
I guess a lot of you, even dog lovers, wouldn't have the heart to say no to this little kitten. So, the guy who found this little creature under a truck on his way home couldn't just leave her there. He took a picture of the kitty and sent it to his wife asking her if he could bring it home. She simply replied: “Who could say no to that face?”
Jupiter, a rescue fox became friends with Moose, an Australian Shepherd mix and just won’t leave his side. It looks like Jupiter has a huge crush on Moose, she’s always acting goofy around him. They spend every day together and do everything together. Apparently, foxes put their butts on stuff if they want to possess it and Moose gets sat on daily by Jupiter. Just look at them, when Jupiter is with him she’s smiling like crazy.
The institute takes care of little baby sloths that lost their mothers and helps them to return to the wild afterwards. There are several goals that the institute pursue. Firstly, to research wild and captive sloths; secondly, to collaborate with other institutions that work with sloths all over the globe and thirdly, to spread balanced and responsible information about sloths.
Hilarious selection of pics comparing animals before and after they took a bath.
I bet the poor pooch didn't see it coming.
Patsy Gibbons from County Kilkenny, Ireland found two abandoned fox pups and nursed them back to health. However, after they made a full recovery they decided to adopt their rescuer and wouldn’t leave his side anymore. Patsy named them Grainne and Minnie and they are very popular among local children.
Pikelet and Patty Cakes are two rescue dogs that help the Wollongong Animal Rescue Network Inc. work with other rescue dogs and give them all the love they need. As of recently they've adopted a new friend named Potato.
An abandoned pit bull was abandoned in the woods when he was found by Casey Lawrence, a real estate agent, on the property she was showing to his clients. He had multiple injuries which lead to think he was used as a bait dog by dog fighters. He was lying on the ground surrounded by bones and animal carcasses. Without hesitation Casey brought him in to a veterinary clinic where the fight for his life had begun.
Sometimes animals can be jerks and it's simply unbearable for others...
Meet Manuel the lizard who's proving the whole world that lizards can be very cute. His owner says he recognizes his name and always comes when she calls. He even likes to take a bath.
A pig called Olive grew up in a family with three dogs and she probably thinks she is one of them.
Posted in
ANIMALS 19 Apr 2016
This poor pooch was found by the police in the city of Granada, Spain after receiving a call about a mistreated dog. When the police arrived, they found her like this. They brought her to an animal rescue center and they called her Spaghetti because she was so thin. After her recovery the center's owner has adopted her. Just look at Spaghetti's amazing transformation and how happy she looks now.
Cyrus is a Bullmastiff from Perth, Australia but he is also a creeper. His owner says that he's constantly creeps on her and observes everything she does. And he's doing it in a way so that she doesn't notice him. But he's not that sneaky as he thinks...
This crocodile was looking for a safe place to lay eggs but couldn’t find a way to go back to the water. So, she started to climb…
This doggy’s family went to the movies and was absent for only three hours.
This is how they discovered their home after they returned.