Beautiful collection of images with clouds
A baby rat very brave, he didn’t fear the hungry leopard and began to devour its food.
What happened next you’ll see inside the post.
Posted in
FLASH 5 Jun 2009
Just read the description carefully, or you won’t understand )
Posted in
RANDOM 5 Jun 2009
We continue the series of collections about the lives of ordinary people in different countries.
Today we will explore Africa. Africa is not like anything else, it’s unusual.
Life, routine, relationships - everything is very different from things what we are accustomed to.
Previous selections:
Only in Russia (25 pics)
A powerful tornado struck a small town near Moscow.
Maybe it's not like what we can see on TV, but when it happens just in front of you, I think that can scare the sh*t out of you ...
Probably everyone knows that such demotivational posters are quite popular on the internet.
So in Russia they started to do them too.
To be honest, I didn’t get some of them. The translation and inscriptions were done by a Russian person, I think. But there were several quite humorous.
Well, watch yourself the Russian humor ;)
A man went out on the balcony to smoke.
Not only is smoking dangerous to health, but he decided to add more thrill.
Wave-Gotik-Treffen is an annual world festival for "dark" music and arts in Leipzig, Germany.
I think people don’t go out with their children on the streets, since children are fragile to see such things ;)
Posted in
DAILY 5 Jun 2009
Nothing to say, all the photos speak for themselves. This is a real art!
Ok, ok, just joking. If you aren’t trained – DON’T TRY TO DO THIS AT HOME!
Faced with a grandmother like that - behave yourself nicely! Russian women are tough ;)
British soldiers have captured several pirates from Somalia.
The dacha is is a Russian word for seasonal or year-round second homes.
This dacha can be almost compared to a palace...
I'm really impressed and this is only a “SECOND home”!
I can imagine what the “first home” should be ...
There are rumors saying that it belongs to the chairman of Gazprom Alexey Miller.
Here’s another interesting toy concept by the artist Shi Jinsong.
Maybe for some Terminator or ninja babies ))