Posted in
DAILY 26 Aug 2010
Posted in
CELEBS 26 Aug 2010
The Internet, and certainly social networking websites, has certainly changed all of our lives. Facebook has provided one more way to determine the relatively popularity of a celebrity. So check out which celebrities have more fans on Facebook. Some figures may surprise you.
36. Jackie Chan: 4,815,299 fans.
The man in this photo in named Fei Jianjun. He is 40 years old and suffers from rhino carcinoma. He did not receive any medical treatment for his huge nose as a result of poverty until the hospital offered him free surgery. His nose is the size of a human fist.
Nick Veasey is a real master of what he’s doing. His X-Ray photography is just great.
I never thought that something that serves mostly for medical purposes could be such a beautiful artwork.
Check out another post with x-rays:
Charming X-Rays of Flowers (19 pics)
Japanese artist Yasuhiro Suzuki has designed one of the most creative, original and unique boats in the world: a motorboat designed after a zipper tab!
What was only a scale model in 2004 has now become a reality and was presented at the Setouchi International Art Festival in Japan.
Yasuhiro Suzuki said: “As the vessel glides through the water, the wake looks like a zipper coming undone, suggesting the image of the sea opening up.”
The caricatures of the celebrities in this post are truly amazing. The artists who do them seem to have a sixth sense of the facial features that need to be exaggerated. This artist didn’t fail and allows us to see them as we do in our subconscious mind.
Will Smith
The photos in this post are of some of the ugliest models in Britain, who work for a London modeling agency and are scheduled to appear on television. I can’t imagine what kind of parts they are going to play but I hope it is of some sort of a bad example. Appear on a game show maybe?
These Infinity swimming pools are some of the most gorgeous in the world. An infinity pool is one that produces the visual effect of water that extends to the horizon. It is an absolutely beautiful effect and is aptly named as is shown by these photos.
Golden Triangle Resort - Chiang Rai, Thailand
As the title of the pics says, working from home is both awesome and horrible, but in what ways?
Accidents on the waters are more frequent than one would think and this huge gallery proves it well.
Indeed, lots of different boats wreck each year all over the world, and container ships are no exception!
The reasons for the accidents here are varied, but in all cases the photos are impressive.
Posted in
CELEBS 26 Aug 2010
The photos in this post depict the life of the Scottish Icon and film actor Sean Connery. He was best known as James Bond in a series of movies, but was a Hollywood Star in numerous films. He is now 80 years old. My, how time flies.
Although there are many ways to park a bicycle, the ones in this post are some of the most unique. Some of them are so unique, in fact, that it is difficult to figure out how they were parked there. Who knew that bicycle owners were so creative?
The computers in this post were confiscated from illegal Internet cafes. Apparently, there are over 3,500 of them. However, it does make one wonder why they all wound up in the junkyard as it seems they could have been put to better use.
I don’t know why these guys decided to go to the beach in suits, but if the plan was to ruin them, well, I guess it worked!
Anyway, it must’ve been a fun experience…
Posted in
ANIMALS 26 Aug 2010
Who would have thought that cats and a squirrel could play together so peacefully? Well, as the adorable photos in the post prove they absolutely will. The friendly cats even allow the squirrel to share their food.
Believe it or not, the artwork in this post was all cut from a single sheet of paper. It is unknown what the artist used to cut the paper with but it had be very delicate work indeed. The intricate detail of the artwork is truly amazing.