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DAILY 16 Sep 2010
Fabrican, literally ‘fabric in an aerosol can’, is a product created by Spanish designer Dr Manel Torres who has spent 10 years working on it. The clothes made with his invention fit you like a second skin, it’s very ingenious, but how does it work?
British eco-pioneer Rishi Sowa began constructing his first Spiral Island in 1998. He used around 250,000 plastic bottles to build a 66x54ft (20x16m) island which was located in a lagoon near Puerto Aventuras, on the Caribbean coast of Mexico.Unfortunately, it was completely destroyed by Hurricane Emily in 2005, but not discouraged, he decided to build a new one: Spiral Island II!
Newspapers can’t be serious about everything they write. Inside you can sometimes find hilarious articles, headlines, humorous questions and answers, funny comments, in short all the funnies with newspapers. Have a good laugh!
Posted in
16 Sep 2010
Good that this driver was alone in his car when this accident happened. By the way, he was so lucky to stay alive. If the distance was shorter, this story would have a sad ending…
Trying to make their wedding the most unforgettable event ever, people do crazy things. This couple decided to organize a steampunk wedding. See the results after the jump.
This three-story building is located in Tokyo, Japan. It has its own name – 63.02º because its facade is inclined 63.02 degrees toward the front road. This allows passersby see a wide and deep view of the house that has a small building of a SOHO (2 and 3 floors) and an apartment for rent (1 floor). This project designed by Jo Nagasaka and Schemata Architecture Office is significant and unique.
Although it looks an awful lot like a road, it is not.
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CELEBS 16 Sep 2010
Take a closer look at this yearbook photograph. Do you recognize this famous-all-over-the-world man?
For all te gamers out there! This handmade book was the creation of E.L. Jeffe. It is called the gamers’ alphabet and it contains meanings for all the letters in the alphabet that relate to video gaming. It is interesting not only because it is handmade but also because of what is in it.
Hilarious “flirting” instructions for those guys who enjoy meeting new girls and fear scaring them away.
These amazing photos are of an eruption of an underwater volcano in the South Pacific. The power of Mother Nature is truly incredible. Although these photos were taken at some distance you can almost feel the power.
Who knew that movie screens would get as enormous as they are today? At one time they were a mere 20’ wide and 12’ high. They have certainly grown considerably over the years. Take a look and see how big they are today.
But it is not just a simple car..