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DAILY 28 Mar 2011
An artist got the idea to create a male statue and put holes all over the body in order to insert paper with wishes written on them. This girl logically finds the best and only hole left to include her wish.
Some users of the free blogging platform Tumblr have had the serendipitous luck of coming across related posts from fellow Tumblers. What are the chances that these messages and photos would be related?
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CELEBS 28 Mar 2011
Meet Superman’s New Leading Lady
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GIF 28 Mar 2011
All you need is just to stare at the red spot fro 10 seconds.
Let’s start the week off with a grind that is sure to make us all smile a bit as we begin our week.
Some people find interesting ways to travel through the city.
In San Francisco, a beautician, Keri Campbell, gives her 8-year-old daughter Briney, Botox shots every three months so she can become "popular" and "famous".
These actual monks played around with a soccer ball for the first time in their lives, and practiced their kung fu moves in Henan, China. Impressing with their aerial mastery, they even managed to crush a poor innocent ball, proving that monks are no pushovers.
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RANDOM 28 Mar 2011
Although I wouldn’t do such a haircut, but it looks great due to its crazy creativity.
Check it out inside the post.
This is a gunshot accident that was just waiting to happen. A man got into his car and when he went to fasten his seatbelt, his Glock 18 accidently discharged. The gunshot blew a 9mm hole through the bottom of the leather seat of his car’s door frame, his underwear, and his pants. Luckily, the man was only slightly injured.
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ANIMALS 28 Mar 2011
These two men went fishing in the St. John’s River when they were accosted by this huge alligator. At first they tried unsuccessfully to harpoon it. Eventually, they managed to shoot the 400 Kg beast between the eyes and stab it with two harpoons.
Posted in
28 Mar 2011
The lights went out in cities all over the world, from 8:30PM to 9:30PM in honor of Earth Hour. Some cities turned off more lights than others but the number of cities that did participate is amazing.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Posted in
28 Mar 2011
These are numerous pieces of very interesting designer furniture by many Belgian designer Kaspar Hamacher. They are stools that are made from logs that are burnt with the bark stripped and the logs refinished. The project is called Ausgebrannt, which in German stands for ‘burnt out'.
Quite an interesting idea and execution.