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DAILY 9 Apr 2011
Apparently flooding can turn people to drinking beer, or they are all alcoholics and can’t even ride out a storm without some liquid courage. These men and women, mostly men, prove that a little set back like a flood does not stop them from pursuing their drunken stupors.
Posted in
9 Apr 2011
Some people have incredible imaginations, and then some people just have a lot of time on their hands. Toilet bikes, ten-foot tall bikes, lawn chair bikes and even a bike that folds up into a backpack are all featured in this strange collection.
Posted in
9 Apr 2011
These are some great brazenly funny billboards from Canada. Those Canucks really have a great sense of humor. Apparently, so too do the people who approve their billboards.
Posted in
9 Apr 2011
Posted in
9 Apr 2011
Sometimes we just need a fresh perspective to see the world in a different light. These gorgeous highflying pictures show cities and landscapes from a different and much more exalted height.
New York City
Posted in
9 Apr 2011
The photographer Ryan Matthew Smith turns modern cooking into art. His photos of vegetables being chopped and grills and pots cut in half while the food cooks are truly unique.
Posted in
9 Apr 2011
Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago the first great “funambulist”, Charles Blondin, tip toed across a large body of water with just his wits and a long balancing stick. Since then many others have taken the plunge, unfortunately some to their deaths, and walked over wide expanses. These breathtaking photos still make you wonder why the heck anyone would do this.
Posted in
9 Apr 2011
These are some fashion accessories that were designed by Fulvio Bonavia that look good enough to eat. They are also very creative and gorgeous. However, I doubt that most of them would last very long out of the refrigerator.
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GIF 9 Apr 2011